Getting Back The Lost Memory Part 1

Chapter 24

Ban covers both of his ears by both of his hands because of her shouting.

Ban replies to her like this :"You did't have to shout. I know it's kinda weird but I am really Ban." Ban stop covering his ears by his hand and put both of his down after he replies to her.

Natsumi became confused so she asks him like this :"How can you be Ban?"

Ban replies to her like this :"Because I am Ban that's why I guess?"

Natsumi replies to him like this :"Ban didn't have black hair. His face also didn't look like this.. also he wasn't as tall las you. Did you was kind of like a relatives to Ban before you died?"

Ban became confused because she didn't know him and thought of him as a dead relative of himself. He knew that her memory of that time were erased cause he was there when her memory of that time after taking her consent was taken from her by Light.

So Ban asks her like this :"Didn't Light give you some kind of thing to eat?"

Natsumi became irritated after hearing Light's name from his mouth

Natsumi asks him instead of replying to him like this :"By chance do you know Light?"

Ban replies to her like this :"Yes, I know him. You should also know him you have already meet with him twice."

Natsumi says to herself like this :"I see. I understand what are you trying to do." She nodded her head while she was talking to herself

Ban got curious about what she understands about what he was trying to do

The pan that was in the stove suddenly got ablaze in flame. Both Natsumi and Ban got surprised and startled at this. Natsumi backs up while Ban took the pan and drop it outside of the house through the the window by throwing it there. Natsumi become frightened of him she thought to herself that he was a autistic or something like that.

Ban tries to calm her down by saying this to her like this :"Don't worry I just had to it cause there is no water or water call that would give me water to stop the fire"

Natsumi understand that and calms down. The pan that was a blaze in flame stop blazing. Both the pan and fire disappear without a trace. It was some kind of power that Ban used to stop the fire. Though he disappears the pan's too.

Ban look at Natsumi and thought to himself [Wait a minute did she understands that I am Ban. Don't tell me she already remembered about our time together with Light in the void space without eating whatever the food type of thing that Light put her memory on it.] He smiles at her and still thinking [She is more intelligent then I thought her. She maybe can find the answer of my questions that I was thinking about all this time.]

She look at him find that he was looking at her with a smile she kinda find it creepy as if he was trying to hit with her cause it's her first time meeting and talking with him. Because her memory of that time is erased from her memory. So she stares back at him with a disgusted looking stare at him because of what she thought of his action.

Natsumi replies to him like this :"You are messing with me, Right?"

Ban get confused about what made her reply like that all he could reply to her is like this :"Huh"

Natsumi asks him like this :"Are you one of Light's friend?"

Ban didn't understand what she was trying to get at but he still replies to her like this :"If you put it like this I have to say that I am Light's friend."

Natsumi become more sure that he was trying to make fun of her so she agains asks him like this :"I am gonna ask you again are you trying to make fun of me?"

Ban was again become confused how she came to this conclusion but this time he replies to her while waves both of his hands left to the right contilike this :"No I am not making fun of you or trying to make fun of you"

Natsumi got a bit relief after hearing his reply but she still didn't completely believe in him on the part that he said he is making fun of her.

Natsumi replies to him with a smile like this :"I don't know who you are but you know Ban and you also know Light. Since you know about Light I think you kinds of know what kind of personality he have. So I hope that you won't talk about him to me."

Ban didn't understand why she is angry at Light or what ever Light did.

He thought to himself [What happen between her and Light. Did they fight? Well judging from his personality I think anybody will be mad, angry at him. Some also have tried to kill him. Should I see the past about what happened between them? I think Light is again ditching his work onto me. I should rather asks her. Even if I think all that and about what will I asks her next I am still kinda disappointed that she couldn't believe me as Ban. I am also disappointed in her that she couldn't figure out something from her lost memory. It's seems like they are is just no way to regain the memory that has been erased in the void.] He sighs once

He didn't reply to her if he is either ok with her condition or not. Natsumi was waiting for is reply but he didn't reply rather he was thinking to himself all that and sighs. Natsumi got annoyed at him because she thought to herself that [He must be thinking how to make fun of me] she also got bored waiting. But she didn't lose her composure. She stays calm.

Natsumi looks at him and asks him like this :"Are you there, Mister?"

Ban was so immersed in his thought that once she said that he got startled and replies immediately to her like this :"Yes"

Natsumi asks him about whether he will keep her condition like this :"Will you keep my condition?"

Ban replies to her immediately like this :"Yes I will."

Natsumi takes a breath of relief and asks him like this :"Thank you. We have been talking for a long period of time but I still don't know your name. Can you tell me your name?"

Ban didn't reply to her questions cause he already told him that he is Ban but she dont believe in it because her memory of that time was erased by himself and the food that Light made those erased memory into a good and didn't let her eat it. Rather he replies to her like this :"Before I tell you my name, can I ask you something?"

Natsumi replies to him like this :"Of course, you can ask anything. But don't think that I will answer every kind of questions. Like if you ask about my three size I won't tell you about it."

Ban replies to her like this :"I won't ask for your three size, you can rest assured. So when a person they met firstly with Light."

Natsumi thought to herself [Its seems like he was one the person that chose to be heaven rather than being reborn with that low percentage. Light said that heaven's gate look differently for each person. I wonder what heaven's gate looked to him!]

Ban looks at her continuing his reply to her like this :"So he should have give you something to eat. Did he let you to eat something?"

Natsumi replies to him like this :"Is this really need to answer this question?....."

Ban didn't reply to her rather look at her as that if he really wanted the answer of it. She sighs once. After that Natsumi continues her reply to her like this :"He didn't give me anything to eat. I told you to not to talk about him in front of me but since you really Wanted to know I have told you about him. Are you happy now?""

Ban thought to himself after hearing her reply [So Light realty did ditch his job again to me.] He looks at the sky and continuing thinking [Light are you there? Can you come down here?]

Instantly after he thought to himself as if he was talking to Light, Light appears out of nowhere like teleportation. Natsumi got surprised to see him in here.

Light asks Ban like this :"So what did you wanted to know about Ban? You know that I am kinda busy. Don't ask something from me out of nowhere" He looks around and see Natsumi. He ask Natsumi like this :"Yo!! How is you day so far at heaven?"

Natsumi was still angry at him so she didn't reply to him anything. She remained silent.

Ban replies to him with a angry voice like this :"Why didn't you give Natsumi's memory back?!"