Fulfill There Wishes

Chapter 28

While she was so amazed by how great her past-self was Ban didn't get amazed. Rather he gets tensed. Light notices that.

Ban thought to himself [Wait, she couldn't be that person.] He looks at Light with his tensed eye and continuing his thought like this [I have already told Light to announce me if she is reincarnated. He promised that if she is reincarnated he would first tell it to me. Don't tell me that he lied to me about the promise and didn't tell me that she got reincarnated.]

Light tries to calm him down by saying like this :"Don't worry. It's not what you are thinking. I didn't lie to you. She is a different person from the person you are thinking. You can see that by her reaction and personality. She and the person you are thinking are not the same."

Ban feels ashamed of himself because he thought that Light was lying to him and apologizes to him by saying this :"I am sorry for thinking like that."

Light looks at him and replies to him with a big smile on his face :"Don't worry I am not angry or sad because of that. It's normal that you thought like that. So you didn't had to apologize."

Natsumi got confused about what they are talking about. Naturally she got curious.

Natsumi asks him(Light) out of curiosity like this :"What are you guys are talking about?"

Light was going to reply to her but Ban stops him by moving in front and putting his hand in front of him indicating that he(Light) won't have to say anything rather that he will say it.

Ban replies to her after that with a smile on his face like this :"It's nothing. Light and I was trying to make you confused and curious by telling me to act like this in front of you."

Natsumi thought he lied cause Light didn't tell him to act as anything. If he would have told him to act like that she would have heard it because she was sitting in front of them on a chair. Also more importantly the main reason she thought that it was lie because he was tensed before and it didn't look like a acting.

Natsumi replies to him(Ban) like this :"You are lying. I thought that only Light would do something like lying to make fun of me but it seems like even you do it sometime."

Ban understands why she thought that he was lying and replies to her like this :"It's not that. Did you forget that me and Light can read human's mind."

Natsumi bawls her right hand and slams it on her left hand palm indicating that she understands with a innocent look like a newborn baby in her face. Natsumi replies to him(Ban) with that innocent look on her face :"Oh, I remember now"

As if she is trying to tell that she is just a child so she didn't remember. Though because of the after effects of remembering the memory of the void. Light got bored of waiting to reply to her questions that she asked before because they got distracted because of another topic. Also he kinda felt lonely because that they were talking with themselves and ignoring him as if he doesn't exists in here.

Light asks her with a bored expression on her face :"Ahem.. Can I reply to your question? Or don't tell me you forget that you asked me a question?!"

Natsumi couldn't remember what questions she asked to him(Light) because of the after effects of remembering the memory of the void.

She replies to him(Light) like this :"What are you talking about?!!" After she said that she remembers that she asked him about her past-self's personality. Light after hearing that sighs once. He then slap his own face with his right hand.

Natsumi replies to him(Light) like this after remembering that :"You can reply. You didn't have to ask for permission from me."

Light replies to her with a straight face and voice like this :"Talk, you guys were talking like you guys are having fun. What am I!?! I am just a..."

Before completing what he was about to say Natsumi asks Ban with a smile on her face like this :"Ban, do you have any kind of bat? A pan would do too."

Ban replies to her like this :"I don't have a bat I here but I have a pan in here." Out of curiosity of why she would ask him about a bat he asks him like this :"By the way what do you need it for?"

Right before she was about to reply to him(Ban) Light realize what she will use that bat or pan for after hearing there conversation. That she will use it to smack him. He also realize that she will in order to get that bat or pan. He knows how painful it would be if she takes it cause she already beat him(Light) up twice already. He starts sweating.

Light replies to her question from before she could reply to Ban while some sweats comes it from his head's skin like this :"I remember what it's the answer of your question. She was a normal person on that time like you are now."

Natsumi thought that he(Light) was joking so she laughed. After she just laughed for a single moment she stopped laughing and asks him (Light) like this :"You are joking, Right?"

Light stops sweating. Light replies to her with a straight face and voice like this :"It is not a joke."

Natsumi realize that it was not a joke after hearing his reply with that straight face and voice. But she couldn't understand why her past-self wished for something that was not beneficial to her. She is also a normal person like her past self version was. Most importantly the reason it all kinda seems like a joke to her because Ban said once that she is not the only one whose wishes are getting fulfilled. That she is not someone special rather all types of people around the world that will die will also get there wishes fulfilled like her. Then why her past self couldn't get her wish fulfilled?? That's the main reason she thought that he might be joking.

Natsumi became confused because of that. She asks him(Light) like this :"Wait a minute. She is dead, right?"

Light replies to her immediately like this :"Of course, she is! How could you even get born if she didn't die?!!"

Natsumi replies to him(Light) like this :"Ban said that I am not a special person whose wishes got completed before they died rather everyone will get there wishes completed before they died."

Light nods his head to indicate that she is not wrong about what she is thinking.

Natsumi stands up from the chair and looks at him with serious eyes. She the asks him(Light) like this :"Then why my past self couldn't get her wish completed???"

Light was surprised by that question cause he thought she might already know it. He replies to her like this :"Good grief. You thought that I am a ruthless and selfish God didn't you?" He looks at her and saw that she was staring with angry eyes. He continues his reply to her like this:"But let me tell you that, you are wrong. In the beginning of human's could live more than a hundred years but now it's about seventy at best. The reason because of that it's because of human's wishes."

Natsumi got confused after hearing that from him. She asks him(Light) like this :"What are you trying to say?"

Light replies to her like this :"I am trying say that, human's lifespan got lower than before because of a human's wish. Let me also tell you that I only fulfilled the wishes of great human that I liked at the beginning. After Ban became a substitute God we starts to fulfill every humans wishes before they die so that they could live without regrets. That's the reason your past self couldn't get her wish fulfilled."

Natsumi became depressed after hearing this. Seeing that because of humans, human's lifespan and immortality disappear.

Natsumi asks him (Light) with a depressing voice like this :"I understand what you are trying to say. But why did you want to talk about my past self's wish?"

Light was disappointed after hearing that from her. He looked above him a d slaps on his face with his right hand and replies to her like this :"I thought that you are a sharp girl but now. I am totally disappointed on you."

Natsumi get a bit irritated after hearing that and asks him like this :"What are you disappointed in me?"

Light moves his hand from his face and replies to her like this:"Because you couldn't understand why I said your past self's wish."

She gets more irritated and she asks him(Light) like this :"I am sorry that I couldn't understand what you were trying to mean by telling me that. So I want to know why did you want to talk about my past self's wish?"

Light looks at her and replies to her like this :"I guess I have to tell you directly. Don't beat me up because of this. I have told all this because I wanted to tell you that, you have to fulfill other humans wishes. The people that will die after you did."