My Servant Part One

Chapter 39

While leaving he was dragging Light with him. While being dragged Light said this to her like this :"Help me! I promise I won't do anything to you! I will make a pyramid just for you! No wait! I will make a greater Palace than this for you!!! Just help me! Helpppppppp meeee!" He closes the door.

She thought to herself [I am sorry. But I had no choice there. since you told that yourself. Like people say you reap what you sow.]

She starts walking towards the bed while thinking to herself [What I shall do then? So many things happened. I can't think properly. All of this is amazing, surprising, unbelievable and most importantly it all happened at once. I can't think anymore it makes my head feels more pain. I am tired after all. I should just sleep]

She was so tired that she falls into the bed directly. She fall asleep in that moment. She wakes up after a nice sleep. She wakes up because of the light coming from the outside. She puts the blanket away. She looks at the clock and it was 10 am in the morning.

She yells saying this :"It's 10 already!!! I will be late for school!! I have to hurry up and get ready!!!!"

She starts walking towards the direction where her waredrobe was but she couldn't find it there. She looked around her and realizes that this isn't her house. Its not her room. She is in heaven now. And that she is already dead. In the palace that Ban gave it to her.

She thought to herself [Which kind of dead person worry about going to school? I am already dead. How could I forget that?! How stupid I am!] She smacks her face right after she thought that to herself. She walks towards the bed and sit on one of the corner. She thought to herself while looking around the room [What can I do now? I have literally no idea about this place at all. Maybe I should explore this place. That's a great idea let's just do that.]

Suddenly someone behind her with a grumpy voice said this to her :"Good morning, Ojou-sama. I am very happy and rejoiced seeing you waking up this early."

She freaks out. She gets scared hearing that. She jumps from the bed and walks straight to the wall. She look back while putting her back on the ground. She didn't saw anyone. She thought that it was her hearing mistakes. She takes a breath of relief. She said this to herself :"I was just hearing things. Just because I am in a unknown place is already making me nervous that I can hear things. Just who would call me ojou-sama in this heaven? hey might call me a weakling of outsider."

Right after she said that the person with the grumpy and old voice replies to her like this :"I can hear you, ojou-sama. You aren't hearing things."

She gets surprised and scared. She startles and yells like this :"Ahhh!"

The person with the old and grumpy and old voice comes in front of her. He replies to her like this :"You don't have to yell, ojou-sama. It will make you only feel embarrassed if anybody hear you. Also nobody in heaven would make fun of you or take you lightly or disrespect you."

She saw the man with the old and grumpy voice. He was not like the person who would have this grumpy and old voice. She said this to him after seeing him like this :"Yo-you are. You are just a kid!"

The man that has that old and grumpy voice was just a kid. By just his look and height he might be only seven or eight years old. Though he had the voice of a grumpy and old person's voice.

She continues her reply to him by asking him like this :"Why your voice is like a grumpy and old person voice?"

That kid replies to her like this :"So, I guess you didn't like this voice, ojou-sama?" He continues his reply to her like this :"If you want I can change my voice."

It was very awkward to talk with a kid with the voice of a grumpy and old person's voice. She just couldn't brinv herself to say that talking with a kid with the voice of a grumpy and old person is awkward. She replies to him like this :"It's not like I dislike this voice but I will be really happy if you change your voice into a normal person's voice."

He puts a his right hand in his chest and bow before her. He replies to her while bowing down like this :"As you wish." He continues his reply to her by asking her like this :"Is this the kind of voice you expected from me?"

This time his voice sounded like a normal voice of a kid of his age. She wasn't as amazed or surprised by his voice changing ability cause she already saw more powerful ability than his. Though this is the kind of voice she wanted to hear to make it less awkward to her than it's already is. She replies to him like this :"It's not like I expected any type of voice from you."

He was kinds of disappointed. His eyes become full of tears and a expression full of sadness. He replies to her while bowing down to her like this :"I see."

Natsumi saw his eye becoming fulls of tears. She felt about saying it. She starts panicking. Because she didn't had a clue of how to calming down kid or children. She didn't know how to comfort him or what to say to make him comfortable. She apologizes to him and lying to him make him comfortable while panicking like this :"I am sorry. I must have hurt your feelings. I thought that you would be a old guy from your voice earlier and I expected this kind of voice from someone as handsome and cool as you."

He wasn't convinced by that. He looks at her and asks her like this :"Really??"

Natsumi replies to him while nodding her head like this :"Yes, yes."

His eyes full of tears to fall down banishes right after he heard that from her. He replies to her like this :"Thank you. Hearing this really made me happy."

Natsumi stops panicking. A sigh of relief comes out from her face. She sits down on the chair beside her. She looks at him with gentle expression and asks him like this:"Who are you? And what are you doing here?"

He replies to her like this :"I should have introduced myself right after entered." Right after he said that he makes a sad expression on his face

Natsumi seeing his reaction replies to him like this :"No it's perfectly fine. It's only been a few minutes since we are talking."

He stands up firmly hearing that from her. He gain back his confidence and looks at her with respect. He replies to her question like this :"I don't have a name but I have come here to do my work."

Natsumi gets curious and confused of what kind of work this child have in this palace. She asks him like this :"Work?"

He replies to her like this :"My work is to be your servant for your entire time living in heaven."