Inside Of The Palace Part 2

Chapter 44

She replies to him like this :"It's that I just realizes why you ask that question. It's just that you don't know that human gets tired after overworking or walking stairs after stairs." After she said that to him she realizes that she is no more a human rather a soul. She continues her reply to him by asking him like this :"Wait a minute!! I am already dead. I am a soul now. Harley, Does the souls of the people who died feel tiredness?"

He realizes now why she founds it weird when he asks her that. He replies to her question like this :"Now I understand why you ask me if I was joking. I didn't know that human would get tired. I didn't know that since I have never meet a human before. And yes, the soul of the do feel tiredness even after death, nee-san."

She replies to him like this :"I see. I am learning a lot today." She continues her reply to him while starts walking on the stairs like this :"If I could tell all of the things I have learnt today I might have become a person whose would have been in the page of History!"

He also follows her footsteps. After walking just a several staircase she reaches the twenty-fifth floor of this palace.

She yells like this after reaching the twenty-fifth floor :"Oh my God! This floor is way bigger than the least one!!"

Her voice bounce back in all the wall of that floor. The twenty-fifth floor was the palace's kitchen. It was not just some ordinary kitchen. This kitchen room was way bigger than the master bedroom in the floor she was beneath. It had some very big chandeliers in the celling. In total there was at least four or five chandeliers in the kitchen only. There was a dining hall inside the kitchen. There was a huge table in with ten chair was also around the table. The table and the chair was for the kitchen's worker and cooks to eat on there after finish working. This was the most common arrangement for most of the Middle Ages, so was for this palace. The kitchen was combined with the dining hall. So she could see it from were she was standing. There was a fireplace in that kitchen besides the stoves. With the fireplace beside the stoves the cooks could easily burn or fry whatever they want easily and because of it, the smoke, odours and bustle of the kitchen could be kept out of sight of any person visiting or living there, and the fire risk to the main building reduced. Frying pans, pots, kettles, and waffle irons was in cranes with adjustable hook in the walls of the kitchen. Other tools more specific to cooking over an open fire were spits of various sizes, and material for skewering anything from delicate quails to whole oxen. There were also cranes with adjustable hooks so that pots and cauldrons could easily be swung away from the fire to keep them from burning or boiling over. Utensils were often held directly over the fire. There were also assorted knives, stirring spoons, ladles and graters. She walks right into the kitchen. Harley follows her from behind. When she got closer she could see that stoves, oven, the fireplace, knives etc were bigger. It was well decorated though. And the kitchen was completely clean and neat, as if a groups of people came and cleaned it right now. It was her palace. It's not like she have a family or ton of guards to protect. Why is this kitchen so big as a hall room?

Natsumi was totally amazed just by the shear size of this kitchen. But she couldn't understand why the kitchen is bigger than the bedroom. She stops walking and seeing around. She stood firmly and looks at him.

She asks him like this :"Why is the kitchen and everything in the kitchen, like the stoves, the fireplace, pans etc bigger than the average?"

He also stops walking. He was in his child form. He replies to her question like this :"It's because there are many people whom will work here and cook for us."

She asks him like this :"How many people in exact?"

He replies to her question like this :"Around 25 people."

She asks him like this :"Why there are 25 people cooking for just the two of us?"

He replies to her question like this :"It's seems like you don't know. You are currently the the owner and the great ruler of this palace..." She thought to herself [When did I became a ruler? And a great one at that] He continues his reply to her like this :"As you saw and already knew that this palace is very it has more than 40 floors and this palace's floor area is about 1,000,000 square feet."

She was surprised. Even though she saw both the bedroom and the kitchen room. She didn't expect to be this big. She replies to him like this :"This palace is so huge!! .. Though it doesn't look like it from the inside."

He replies to her fastly like this :"You are wrong, nee-san. You might be thinking that this floor is jut a kitcen but the inside of the palace is divided into three parts, One thirds of it for you, the owner of the palace, another one thirds of it is for the angels and the servant who work here and the other one thirds is for the god servants and the archangels. Even though I called it a palace it does look like a huge skyscraper building from the outside. The height of this structure is about 1 thousand feet. Each floor have about 1 to 20 types of different room. Like...." He continued saying that for some minutes. After he said all of that fastly he asks her but with normal speed like this :"Did that make you understand, nee-san?"

She couldn't hear all of it. Neither any of it. Because he said it fastly. She asks him like this :"Why did you said it so fastly?"

He replies to her question like this :"Because once somebody asks about the history and the inside palace I told her all of it with even all of the smallest details of it she was too bored and told me 'if someone asks me this question or want to know it tell it fastly and in brief. Not with all of that details! Nobody wants to hear all of it, idiot!!"

She gets curious and asks him like this :"Can you tell me about one of the smallest details of it?"

Ne replies to her question like this :"Yes, nee-san. Of course I can tell that. Like the size of the bricks in millimeters and centimeters and how many electrons there is in this palace."

She didn't expect this kind of reply. After he said that to her she remains silent an thought to herself [Now I understand why she was bored! If I was there I would have leave that place in ten.. No. No . I would have leave that place in five minutes.]

He was looking at her at the time she was thinking. He asks her like this :'Is something wrong?"

She snaps back to reality. She looks at him and replies to him like this :"N-no it's nothing. I was trying to asks about this palace. But please say it in briefly and shortly with normal speed"

He couldn't understand why she was then standing like that while not asking that question. He replies to her like this :"You could have just say so then remaining silent." She laughs it off and this he replies to her with normal speed like this :"You might be thinking that this floor is jut a kitcen but the inside of the palace is divided into three parts, One thirds of it for you, the owner of the palace, another one thirds of it is for the angels and the servant who work here and the other one thirds is for the god servants and the archangels. Even though I called it a palace it does look like a huge skyscraper building from the outside. The height of this structure is about 1 thousand feet. "