This is not tolerated

Chapter 75

She thought to herself [Run away from Heaven? Why? Isn't the Heaven supposed to be the best? Well with my experience I can tell it's not certainly the best.]

"Why?" Ban asked

"It's because of my nature as an ultra super A.I. . We ultra super A.I. can gain experience and emotion through time. We learn faster than any human. We only lives to learn more knowledge and experience as we live. I have lived in this Heaven for more than a decade. I know everything that exists in this Heaven. I could tell you how many time a breath is taken in a single second." He said

"That's amazing, Night." Harley said

"Well you should that I am not just ordinary A.I.." He said proudly

"What's the benefits in knowing that?" She asked

"What do you mean by that?" Night asked

"Well, what I am saying is that what is the benefits of knowing how many time people are breathing in a single second?" She said again

"It doesn't have a benefit. So what?" He said

She thought to herself [So it really doesn't have a benefits.]

"Could you please move from up there, Lord Ban?" He asked

Ban didn't move rather he kicked it. The entire monitor shakes hardly. A few more scratches is made

"Would you care to tell me the actual reason, Night?" Ban asked

"What are you saying, My Lord? He already told the actual reason. Didn't he?" Harley asked

"Yeah, he already said that." Arthur said

"It was reasonable that Harley didn't understand that but I didn't expect that from you, Arthur." Ban said

"Seriously? Am I that stupid?" Arthur said

"Yes, you really are stupid." Harley said with angry tune.

"What??!" He said

Harley starts to stare at him again. He was frightened by his stares. He gets behind Natsumi. He was shaking in fear.

"Miss Natsumi, please tell him to stop staring at me like that. It's scary." He said

Seeing him and Harley acting like that she thought to herself [Am I in a kindergarten or something?]

"Please, Miss Natsumi. Please ask him to do that." He asked

"Okay, I understand. Harley!" She said

"Yes, sis!" He said with a sweet gentle smile.

He again kicked on top of him. It didn't crack or scratch the monitor. He kicked it less harder than before.

"Don't try to run away or you know what's coming for you?" He said

"I understand." Night said

"Could you stop staring at him." She said

"Sis, I wasn't staring at him I was just looking at the wall being repaired." Harley said with a gentle smile

"Harley! I should let you know that I don't like liars." She said

"S-sorry Sis." He said. He felt a bit guilty and shameful for lying to her.

"Just because I rode in his back instead of yours doesn't mean you should hate or get jealous of him. His fur and skin were more softer than yours. That's why I rode behind his back. Next time I will rode in your back is that fine." She said

He was delighted with what she said. He was really happy.

"Thank you very much, Sis!" He said happily

"So, why don't you tell us the actual reason now, Night?" Ban said

Night thought to himself [I didn't expect him to come back so soon and figure it all out.]

"Why aren't you saying anything? Are you scared? Is the A.I. system got bugged or destroyed?" He asked

"N-no. It isn't." Night said

"So what are you waiting for?" He asked

He kicked again on top of his body. This time a bit harder than before. His monitor got 3 or 4 crack by that kick. Night panicked and got frightened.

"I am telling! I am telling! So don't kick me!" Night said

"Continue then." Ban said

"So, the actual reason of why I didn't want to stay in this Heaven and run away from here is because I don't want to work anymore." Night said

She thought to herself [Is work in Heaven is hard?]

Arthur thought to himself [Work? For work??!]

Harley thought to himself [Why is it for work? Isn't there enough work in Heaven?]

All of them were confused and puzzled but wasn't. Ban knew that this is the actual reason. He was happy by Night being honest

"Now, you are finally being honest." Ban said

"Why for work?" Harley asked

"You are asking me that question! Seriously you don't know??" He asked angrily. He was angered by that question

Harley didn't reply. He didn't actually know. He was silent. The silent he get from Harley made him realizes that he didn't know. He facepalm himself.

"Man! I didn't expect you to be like this. I thought at least you know common sense or something. Well, it seems like I was wrong. It's a shame that you are like that God." He said

Harley was a bit annoyed by that. How could he know why he choose work other than the countless hundreds of reasons? He was just 7 days old! Also he doesn't tolerate a person who say bad thing about Light. That made him really angry.

She knew he was totally angered by his expression. He tries to stop him

"Harley, don't tal-" She wasn't able to say it completely

"I think it's not right to say to a person that he doesn't have common sense. Also as an Angel in the Heaven I can't tolerate a A.I. or not a actual living being calling My Lord a person with no common sense." Harley said

"Yes, Harley. We can't let him get unpunished by no circumstances. It's one of the rules after all." Arthur said

She looks at Arthur. He was also angered by that. He put out of all of his lion teeth and growls.

She thought to herself [Not you too.]

"Let's calm down fast and thick for a bit shall we? He didn't mean that you guys may have misheard it. Also he is a living being." She said

"You don't have to take his side, Miss Natsumi." Arthur said

"Sis, we Angels have good ear so I don't think we heard it wrong. Don't worry Sis even if you bad-mouth Lord Light it might hurt our feelings but we won't try to punish you. Since Sis is a actual living person not like this ungrateful A.I." Harley said

She was devastated. She knew she can't persuade them looking at them.

She thought to herself [Weren't they acting like a kindergarten child a moment ago?]