Be a Good Boy

I know that my head hit a trunk of a tree and I fell unconscious – thanks to a certain bull-man that I just met. If Seth just happens to be a bit more careful, then I wouldn't worry for my head getting traumatized or forming a blood clot that would eventually lead to my foreseen death. But I think I'm a bit overreacting over the latter part, right?

But as a curious little cat as I am, I wonder if people dream if they're unconscious or fainted. Well, I know for sure that we can dream while we sleep. But after hitting your head and going unconscious, can you still dream of things?

And the answer to that question suddenly became clear when I opened my eyes.

I find myself standing in the middle of a grassy plain. The warm breeze is comforting against my skin and hair, and I felt delighted to see butterflies and bees flying around. When I looked around, my attention caught the sight of a single tall tree on top of the hill.

And just on my position, I could blurrily see two figures under the tree. One was standing and the other was sitting against the trunk of the tree. No, they are on a reasonable distance to not do that thing.

"Do they know about furries?" I asked no one in particular. Making up my mind, I approached them to get some answers to the questions that had been bugging me. Despite assuming that this is just a dream, I believe that I can at least interact with those two-! "… Oh."

Upon approaching them, I was surprised to see their true form. They're furries; wolf furries to be exact. Unlike the first time I saw Seth as the half-naked bull-man, they were dressed from torso to bottom. They both seem males in gender, but they have different fur colors and body build; the red wolf-man seems more muscular than the golden yellow one.

But am I just imagining that they are… lovers? They were looking at each other with smiles on their faces.

'Should I talk to them? Won't they hurt me?' I was really hesitating but decided to speak. "Uhm… Excuse me."

They don't seem to notice me. Well, of course, they wouldn't because of my safe distance to them and quiet voice. So, I moved closer.


And suddenly, the red wolf-man spoke some lines that seem to have tunes and melody.

Come along with me

And the butterflies and bees

We can wander through the forest

And do so as we please

I thought in surprise, 'Wait, that sounds familiar…' Not the voice of the wolf-man, but rather the song that he seems to be singing without guitar accompaniment. But if I were to judge, this guy sings so beautifully. His deep yet warm voice seems to be resonating through the hearts of the ones hearing him. And then the realization hit me. 'Is he… serenading the other wolf-man?' If it's true, then it confirms my opinion earlier.

Come along with me

To a cliff under a tree

Where we can gaze upon the water

As an everlasting dream

The other wolf-man was blushing when the red wolf-man suddenly pulls his hand – or paw, but they have hands like humans, just covered in fur. They look in each other's eyes, their bodies locked in soft embraces of each other's arms, and their faces inches away from each other.

Yup, they're definitely lovers. I'm just fangirling – or fanboying since I'm a boy – over them right now. And who would've thought that Adventure Time's Island Song would be a great serenade song?

"I love you, ****," the red wolf-man states.

"I love you too, ********," the golden yellow wolf-man replies with a cheeky smile.

'Just kiss already!' I giggled – masculinity is very overrated for me. I'm probably dreaming about two furries getting together, and this dream seems to be one of the greatest dreams that I ever had.

But unlike any other dream, this suddenly makes an odd turn.

Because now, the two wolf-men are staring intently at me. I don't know what's happening, and I'm getting really freaked out. They noticed me in a very… scary fashion.

Then, the red wolf-man spoke, "He's perfect, isn't he?" His smile was enigmatic.

And his lover replied, "Yep, I'm sure he'll make a good slave. He's mine, right?"

'What the fuck?!' My legs shivered. 'T-They're going to enslave me?!' And I thought these two would be nice furries. But I was wrong!

I did what I think would be best to do in this situation.

I screamed. Loudly.



I jolt awake, sitting straight up from the course dirt that I had been lying unconscious on. I don't know where I am now, but I tried to calm my erratic breathing. And when I thought that the dream would get to worst of me, then I thought wrong again.

In front of me is an unfamiliar burly bull-man – I thought he was Seth at first few seconds, but he's not – and a muscular black wolf-man that I seem to recognize. But I am totally scared of their glaring expressions, like, I just acted like a bad slave. 'I-I am not a slave!' I tried to convince myself, but I'm so scared of these two big creatures that I've begun to think that I'm really a bad slave.

"I'm sorry for him being loud. I have no idea why my son would recommend such unmannerly human to the likes of you." The bull-man apologizes.

The wolf-man just chuckled, but why do I have a feeling that he's nervous or something? "I-It's okay! I'm not really picky, and he seems pretty unordinary unlike the others in here. And are you sure that that collar of his isn't an ownership collar?"

'W-What is he… Oh!' I realized what he meant. I would've glared at him but I doubt that I wouldn't get punched if I do so. 'These are headphones, you prick!'

The bull-man shook his head. "No, there's no such collar that's wide open like that. It could be a decoration or something."

"If what you say is true, then I'll be buying him right away!"

'WHAT?!' My eyes widened in shock. And the realization hit me. 'D-Did you just sold me, S-Seth?!' I felt enraged and frightened. I don't know what happened while I was unconscious, but I trusted Seth on his words. He said that he'll save me, that he'll never make me as a slave, but what is happening right now?!

The two furries exchanged payment and contract papers in front of me, while I sulked on my knees in the corner of, I assumed as, my prison – because, you know, I'm a slave. I'm in no mood to contemplate why these two are half-naked – and I even cringe on thinking that the wolf-man looked handsome as hell.

'My life is done…' I sobbed silently. 'What did I do to deserve becoming a slave? I just wished my life to be normal! And this is not the normal that I've been wishing for!'

"Kid, I'm here to help you."

Being shocked or surprised had been a common occurrence to me, isn't it? But seriously, what did he just say?!

I looked up with my teary eyes and saw the wolf-man had his black furry hand held out to me. I'm quite reluctant to reach for it, but he gave me a reassuring smile. And as much as I hate to admit it, but damn, he just looked freaking manly and handsome. This moment was like one of the movies wherein the valiant hero saves a damsel in distress.

'But s-should I trust him?' I thought back on how I trusted Seth that he wouldn't make me as a slave. But he did worse than that; he sold me to someone to make me as a slave! It's making me hate these furries…

"This Seth guy told me you're special and I should save you from this place."

'S-Seth…' I felt a pang on my chest, a feeling of regret. Was this planned by Seth to help me get out of here? Did he really send this wolf-man to save me? 'If that's true, I-I need to meet you again, Seth!' I can't believe I lost trust in that bull-man.

I wiped away my tears and smiled. Seth really is a good guy – or bull to be exact. And he even got me a furry wolf; my most favorite furry creature!

"But what's so special with a funky weirdo like you? You dress like a lousy hermit or something."

I take back every good thing that I thought about this wolf-man. He's freaking rude!

"Are you even going to help me or not?" I glaringly said, not bothering to notice that he's shocked by me being able to talk to him. I remember what Seth said about humans and beastmen don't understand each other's language, but I'm the only human who can. 'I could take advantage of this…' I chuckled darkly. "I can understand you, and I can even make your life a living hell by just my own words."

The wolf-man took a step back, and I could laugh at his scared expression. But what he referred me was something that I didn't expect. "Y-You're a Devil-man!" And then he was about to scurry away, but I quickly grabbed his wrist – my hand could barely latch on how big it is! "G-Get off me-!"

"I'm not a Devil-man, dammit!" I glared at him as I pinned him down on the dirt ground – I'm quite surprised that I have the strength to do that. When he started flailing and yelping, I did the only thing that I know to suppress him. I've done this on some furry visual novels, but I don't think this would work on my current situation.

I rubbed his stomach, scratched it gently. You could think of it like I'm rubbing a dog's stomach.

"Why are you-! Oh, fuck…"

And there it is, the priceless reaction that I've been waiting for. The once rude wolf-man is now wagging his furry tail constantly, his eyes rolled, and his tongue hanging out from his muzzle.

'Just like a dog, I suppose…' I smirked. "There's a good boy." It was really fun to see his expression. My mind didn't process that he's a muscular wolf-man – my most preferred types of furries – so when I managed to touch his traceable abs underneath his grey fur, I blushed furiously and stopped for a moment. 'H-He has those hot-! AAAHHH!'

"Gotcha!" He suddenly flipped me over, and I'm the one pinned on the ground now! With a predatory grin, he gazed me like I'm going to be his next meal. "Now, you be a good boy…" He sneered.

'Fuck, I'm dead…!' I shut my eyes tightly and waited for any pain that may come to me. I imagined being punched, jabbed, or even bitten by those sharp canines. 'I'm so dead…'

"… Hey!" We heard a familiar voice that made us turn our heads at the door. It was the old bull-man from earlier, and he glared at us. "If you're going to punish that boy, you do that somewhere else and not here!"

The wolf-man turned to me with a mysterious expression. And then I wondered if he's going to sell me back. My nerves would be the end of me someday…!

I was suddenly yanked to stand up, and the wolf-man pulled me to his side. And did I mention that he's half-naked and only wore pants like Seth and the old bull-man that noticed us? I could smell dirt and sweat on his furry body, but for some reason, I don't seem to mind.

"We'll be taking our leave, thank you for your business, Slavemaster." He states.

"Yeah, yeah. And don't come back here, Arjo." The Slavemaster – the tiny hairs on my skin just shiver at the name – grumpily said as he pushed us out of the room.

I was constantly shivering while we walk on our way out of the slave halls. There were just so many human slaves aside from me – but I still don't consider myself as a slave yet – in this place! And the fact that that it's a long way out, I had to hear the sobs and screams of the humans locked up in each room.

'Just how many humans are locked up in here?' I thought worryingly.

Arjo, the name of the wolf-man who 'helped' me, didn't say a word as much as I don't too. He just kept me stuck on his side, his muscular and furry side, and I don't seem to mind. His arm was on my back and his hand was rubbing my shoulder gently. But I'm concerned that he isn't even taking a single glance at me; he just kept his sight at the exit.

'Is he angry about what happened? Or does he still believe that I'm a Devil-man?' Whatever that creature truly is, I'm definitely not that one! I can't help but feel hurt that Arjo doesn't want me… 'WHY AM I THINKING LIKE A SLAVE?!'

We then find ourselves out of the big mansion-like building, and I didn't expect that this place would be in the middle of a forest. I suppose the time is night since the only sources of light that I could notice are in the slave building. We kept walking, Arjo still didn't let me budge from his hold, and I stare at the night sky just above the thick leaves of the trees.

'The stars here are brighter than in Vegas…' Even when the leaves are thick enough to block the sky, I could see the twinkling space objects clearly and amazingly.

"… Hey." I realized that we stopped walking but we're still in the forest. No one was around; only me and a wolf-man. Arjo looked at me with another mysterious expression, and I can't help but feel uneasy about that. In a few moments, he finally smiled and said, "I'm sorry for earlier. But can I know your name and what exactly are you?"

When he finally released his hold, which I felt disappointed with the loss of comforting body heat, I crossed my arms on my chest. "My name is Max, and I'm definitely not a Devil-man. I'm just a regular human like most of humanity." I frowned slightly at the fact that humanity is treated as slaves in this world. "And how I can understand you and how you can understand me is still something that I don't know of. Is it true that humans and your kind don't understand each other's language?

"Not only wolf-men, but all beastmen don't usually understand what you guys say." Arjo scratches his head.

"I see…" I looked down on my slippers. 'I still have my slippers, huh…' Not only my slippers, but I also have my headphones. Somehow, I got transported to this new world while I still have my worn clothes and stuff. Then, a question popped up in my mind to confirm my doubts about trusting Arjo. "Did Seth really sent you to help me?"

"The bull-man? Well, it's a complicated story that I still can't believe, but he did send me to save you from that slave building."

'I wonder what's that story…' But now that I finally got out, can I say that I'm finally safe? Am I free from being enslaved? 'But Arjo bought me from the Slavemaster… He used his own money just to save a lowlife like me…' Asking him wouldn't hurt. And if what I hope is true, I wouldn't really mind.

"Hey, Arjo?" I tapped his arm.

"Hmm? What is it, Max?" He was looking up at the stars behind the leaves of the trees. So, he likes the stars too, huh.

"Am I really going to be your slave?"

Silence fell upon us, as I expected. It took him a few seconds before he could say something, but the way he answered was not something that I expected.

"… Yes." He said with a serious look in his eyes.

"Oh…" My eyes twitched and I could feel my hands shaking. 'I-I didn't even think that he'd be too serious about it!' Well, I was hoping that he'd be at least a little less harsh with that answer. I mean, I thought he won't force me to be a slave, and then I would-!

"I'm just kidding, haha!" Arjo suddenly pats my head and messed my hair, laughing loud that the birds in this quiet forest suddenly flew away noisily. I got upset with that stunt that he pulled and tried to flail but he keeps messing with me.

'You big shit!' I tried to glare at him, but I was lost in his joyous expression. Arjo looks stunning when he smiles like that like I just fell in love with the mere sight of his joyful expression. 'What the heck, Max?! That's too much to handle in this situation!' There's no way I'm falling in love this fast to a person – or a furry that I didn't even know that exists – that I just met.


"But seriously, Max," Arjo says while slinging an arm on my shoulder. "I won't really force you to be my slave. Heck, I was even hesitating to buy a slave since I never really had one in my life!" He chuckles, then he became serious again. ��But the contract that I made with the Slavemaster to buy you is not so simple as it is."

"What do you mean?" I cocked my head in confusion.

"So, that bull wasn't joking that you don't know anything…" Arjo mumbles under his breath. "I'll explain while we walk to my carriage. But I just want to let you know that you don't have much choice in your situation."

That scared me. A lot. I could feel my mind in panic mode. Why do I don't have much choice? Is my destiny really to be a slave? Was my wish of a normal life was granted to be like this? This is very unacceptable! I haven't done anything wrong in my life! I've been a good son to my adopted parents, I've been a good citizen to my country. Why is this happening to me?!

'But…' I never thought an idea would cross my mind at this point. When I looked into Arjo's eyes, I can see myself to him. That he doesn't want a slave as much as I don't want to be one. What do slaves actually do in this world? And who the heck even proposed slavery here?! We're both new to this thing, especially since he encountered a human that can understand beastman language. 'Maybe I can accept this. Arjo said he doesn't really want to force me to be his slave…' And from the looks of him, he seems to be a nice and carefree guy.

And I love furry wolves! I'm very lucky to meet one today who's hot and handsome! 'Cut your gay crap, Max!'

"I accept."

Arjo paused on his walking, making me almost trip on my feet. He immediately caught me, of course. "Sorry, sorry. Um… What did you say?"

"I said I accept to be your slave. But!" I have only one condition to set in. I need to assure myself that I won't die being a slave to a forceful creature. "… I request that you please be gentle with me."

"… We're not having sex, Max," Arjo said nonchalantly. (A/N: Or so you thought, my dearest Arjo. *wink* *wink*)

'Crap, that sounded wrong!' My cheeks burned like I was splashed with a pot of boiling water. "I-I mean, p-please don't f-force me to a-awful t-things! That's i-it!" I looked away in embarrassment, trying to hide my face of regret.

"Haha! You have my word, my human slave." He laughs obviously because of what he just implied from my words. I just want to smack him on the head if I was a little taller!

Why am I even smaller than every furry that I meet?!

But somehow, I hope that everything would be fine in this new world that I'm in. At least now, I assured myself that I'm with another creature that I could trust to protect me as I start a new life.

A normal life that I never expect to be like this.