Touch The Sky

"And Max, make sure he takes his medicine after meals, okay?"

Kaiden groans and threw his arms in the air. "You don't have to remind him, brother. I'm not a baby, and I can do it on my own!"

I chuckled. Ever since yesterday, I have learned so many things about the brothers. I was right of Arjo being overprotective, but I didn't expect Kaiden to have heart disease. He looks quite normal to me, but I think I shouldn't really judge people by their looks. Since I'm living with these two, I should always keep my eyes on them, especially to Kaiden. I'll be the big brother for him from now on whenever Arjo is away for work.

And if you're wondering, I took the living as my sleeping quarters. Kaiden insisted that I should sleep in either of their rooms, but I declined politely.

Oh, I didn't mention that Kaiden is fifteen years old? And guess what's the age of his brawny brother? He's currently a big 25-years-old slab of buff meat. 'I guess it's reasonable to call him "Daddy" sometimes…' Yeah, with that great dad bod of his that I could stare and dream of every single day…

"Did you hear what I said, Max?" Kaiden snapped me from my thoughts.

"N-Not exactly, s-sorry." I blushed furiously and looked down. It would be difficult to hang around with Arjo if I keep these perverted thoughts about him. I don't exactly know if he even likes guys or even a human for my matter, but I can't help the utter embarrassment and curiosity that I'm feeling.

"As I said, I don't think Tabi wouldn't freak out if he meets a human that can converse with beastmen. Your existence is very unnatural that most people would definitely think that you're an alien or something."

"But why didn't you act awfully surprised like Arjo and I expected?" I asked in wonder. Well, I thought he's going to freak out like his brother who recently referred me as a devil-man. But Kaiden kinda accepted me so easily – and he even invited me for lunch – though I can feel he's still doubtful.

And his answer got me very confused than making me understand. "I'm simply different than my brother who's like one of the typical beastmen in the world." Kaiden smiles enigmatically.

'Truly, he's a weird one…' But I somehow think there's nothing wrong with it. I mean, maybe because he has a heart disease that made him quite witty and perceptive, but I shouldn't be glad about that. Kaiden's my master's brother, so he's my master that I should care for too! 'And I'm really starting to act like a slave…' I thought with an internal groan.

"We'll go to Tabi's place tomorrow. For now, I'll lend you a magic tool that will transform you into a beastman."

'Wait, something like that even exists?!' I was surprised when the young wolf-man pulled out a silver bracelet with a shiny blue gem at the center. For some reason, it looks kinda familiar to me like someone has been wearing that the whole time. 'From whom did I saw that before…?'

"Arjo wears a gold one but it doesn't work the same as this is," Kaiden explains. Now I remember the gold bracelet that Arjo wore. "It makes the user transform into whatever kind of beastman he thinks of. But it has two drawbacks."

"What is it?" I asked while I instinctively held the mesmerizing bracelet.

Kaiden crossed his arms and frowns. "You can only change back to normal on the night of the full moon. Even when you remove the bracelet, your beastman form will still remain."

'That… doesn't seem bad.' I mean, I would love to become a beastman myself. But of course, I don't want to transform into something horrible! Imagining being an ugly lizard-man for a whole week is something that I don't want to do! "And what's the other catch?"

"The bracelet will let you pick only one type of beastman for indefinite use. The next time you transform again, your recent beastman form will always be your choice."

I didn't expect that, but I think it'll be fine for me. I'm not a picky person, and I think I would instantly choose to be a wolf-man too. Yeah, that would be great! But I forgot to ask one thing, so I asked Kaiden, "Will it let me choose my appearance? You know; if I can choose to be buff like your brother?"

Kaiden narrows his eyes. "As much as you admire my brother's body so much, the bracelet will decide itself what you will appear like. Your only choice is the type of beastman."

My eyes widened and I could feel my face being hot and red. This is just so embarrassing; Kaiden knows my thing for Arjo! 'Can't I just die right now?!' And from the look in his eyes, he doesn't seem to like the fact that I like his brother more than a slave should! I am so ashamed right now! 'And this slavery thing is getting in my nerves!'

Then Kaiden laughs loudly, and it somehow reminded me of his brother. Was he just teasing me like his dumb brother?! No wonder why they're siblings! "Hahaha! Don't worry about it, Maxie! Everybody gets the same feeling when they're around my brother. He's like a metaphorical magnet of some sort, even males are attracted to him"

'Kaiden is… fine with it?' I couldn't believe it. "Y-You're okay with it…?" I cautiously asked.

The young wolf-man gingerly twirls the rope of his hood. "Well, yeah. Actually, I think I approve you for my big bro Arjo…"

That being said, I felt like my heart skipped a beat. This isn't happening, is it? Kaiden did not actually say those words, right?

"… He doesn't bring home anybody else before than you."

"But I'm his slave. Well, not entirely, but still! He just saved me from a horrible place."

Kaiden smiles. "It's the same thing. And we never had a slave before. Arjo is a sociable person, but he never ever brought someone here with a goofy grin on his face like he won in a drinking contest. You're special that he even tried to lie for your sake, which I could easily tell."

It's so unreal, it's like a dream. Thinking back from what happened in the last two days, I didn't recognize the relevant actions that Arjo did to make me realize that he… No, it couldn't be… It's too good to be true! "D-Does Arjo likes-!"

"That's something that I'm not sure." Kaiden cuts me off with a sigh. "Arjo may be your regular goofball, but his feeling of love is so difficult to read for other people. I know he loves me as a brother, but I'm not sure about your matter."

'Oh…' My lips formed a thin line. So much for asking, but I guess it's great to know that Arjo is a man – or a wolf-man for his matter – with a good heart and cares for someone like me. I'm assured that my safety with him will be plausible, and I could never ask anything more for that.

'I guess my mind is just clouded with my crush for him…' Somehow, I think I should focus on repaying his help by taking care of him and his brother, and maybe explore the world a little. Yeah, that would be best. I can teach Kaiden some guitar skills, cook for them once I learn how to use the mysterious ingredients of this new world, and I could even use my talent to help them get enough money to repair the hole on their floor – I learned how Kaiden's childish jumping made that hole, and I couldn't stop laughing.

'Maybe being a slave for Arjo isn't such a bad thing after all…' He and Kaiden are good people, and I'm lucky that I found them. No, they could be one of the best people that I ever met…

"WAIT, WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?!" I shrieked as I tried to cover my sudden nakedness. Yes, I'm very naked right now! In front of Kaiden; a 15-years-old innocent wolf-man! My furry body is absolutely… 'F-Furry body?!'

Kaiden smirks devilishly. "Dude, you look stunning. I can't believe you turned into a sex god. Oh, just wait when Arjo pounces on you when he sees you."

I blushed furiously and glared at him. I totally take back the "innocent" part that I referred him to! Kaiden's a teenage pervert, I swear! 'How the heck did I even turn like this?!'

I suddenly remembered my old clothes. What exactly happened to-! "MY HEADPHONES!" I was mortified to see my headphones broke into two. Fucking hell, my clothes were torn apart too! All the things that I was wearing were now beneath my feet, and they're all suddenly destroyed by god knows how the hell that happened. I was about to check my phone on my torn pockets, but I quickly remembered that Kaiden would see my junk.

I gave him another deadly glare and told him, "L-Look away! I'm just g-gonna check my phone! Better yet, f-find me some clothes!" I would regret ordering him like that because I'm still a slave, but I don't really care at the moment.

"Don't cover yourself up, Maxie. Nakedness is a common thing among beastmen. And don't be ashamed, I'm sure Arjo will be lusting for you soon! Though I hope you're prepared to bottom, that wolf prefers to be the one to-!"



I sighed as I flopped on the sofa. I was surprised at first that my size seemed bigger and I felt heavier, but I began to relax eventually.

I'm still upset for Kaiden for transforming me while I was in deep thoughts, but I can't really be mad at him when I'm his brother's slave. I could feel the slave contract also included me not having the will to be extremely angry at my masters, and that includes Arjo's brother. 'I'm starting to hate being their slave…'

That being thought, I'm grateful that I turned into something that I exceeded my expectations. I'm now a wolf-man, but I didn't expect to become a really good-looking wolf-man. Unlike Arjo and Kaiden, I have light grey and light blue fur. I've gained some muscles too, but I think I'm still not more muscular than my dear Arjo. My eyes are still the same greyish green like my human form but I don't really mind them. My voice didn't change, which was a good thing. Overall, Kaiden was right; I look stunning. 'But I'm not thinking of myself as a sex god!' Remembering how the young wolf-man insisted that I should go topless like his brother, I seriously turned him down. I don't want to parade my body even if I have some rock-hard abs now; I have at least some conservativeness!

"Here's my guitar." Kaiden suddenly handed me an acoustic guitar. It took me a few seconds to make myself believe that it's not the cursed guitar that transported me in this world, and it really wasn't. "Why do you look so surprised? Is it ugly?" He sounded offended.

I panicked and chuckled awkwardly. "N-No, it's cool, actually! I j-just thought it may be the c-cursed guitar…"

Kaiden crossed his arms and huffed. "Well, it's not cursed. Arjo bought it for me on my twelfth birthday."

"S-Sorry, sorry!"

"You apologize by playing something for me." He smirks.

I was confused at first for that, but I understand. While I prepared myself to play, I was amazed at how light the guitar actually weighed. Or maybe it's because I'm a strong wolf-man now? 'You're being full of yourself, Max' I chuckled to myself before taking my first strum.

But I didn't really expect that the tune would sound horrible. My goodness, I totally cringe at the off-tune!

"Sorry about that. I don't really play that instrument since I don't really know how." Kaiden laughs apologetically.

"It's okay." 'Not really, but I can manage to fix this.' I don't mean to brag, but I'm a professional guitar player as much of being a great singer. I did mention this before, right?

It took me only a minute to fine-tune the guitar. My young apprentice – I decided to refer him that since I'll be teaching him how to play – is quite amused by how I tuned his guitar. I guess Kaiden never really got a chance to learn how to play a guitar. I wonder if he gave up at first or chose another instrument to play.

Anyway, I started a strum again, and it sounded perfect. I thought of singing, but I don't really feel like doing so today. 'Fingerstyle would be great…'

Before I could begin playing, Kaiden asks, "What song are you going to play?"

I smiled. "Just watch and listen."

When the cold wind is a-calling

And the sky is clear and bright

Misty mountains sing and beckon

Lead me out into the light

I will ride, I will fly

Chase the wind and touch the sky

I will fly

Chase the wind and touch the sky

I never thought I still have it in me. 'Well done, Max.' I caught a glimpse of Kaiden staring in awe, and I smiled. I never imagined making someone in this world be amazed by my talent. And of course, I will do my best to share it with Kaiden.

Where dark woods hide secret

And mountains are fierce and bold

Deep waters hold reflections

Of times lost long ago

I will hear their every story

Take hold of my own dream

Be as strong as the seas are stormy

And proud as an eagle's scream

I will ride, I will fly

Chase the wind and touch the sky

I will fly

Chase the wind and touch the sky

Oh, how I miss playing music. It's been so long after I held a guitar. I wonder if I will be a great teacher to Kaiden.

"Wow, Maxie! I never thought that there's a song like by only playing guitar." Kaiden can't stop clapping his hands in amazement.

I chuckled. "It's called fingerstyle, a technique of playing any string instruments by plucking the strings directly. And the lyrics of the song are played through fingerstyle instead of singing it."

"Amazing! But I don't really think "Just Watch and Listen" would be a great name for that song."

I scratched my head awkwardly. I didn't expect he would take it as the name of the song, haha! "That's not really the name of the song. It's called "Touch the Sky", originally sung by Julie Fowlis." I would've told him that it's from a famous Disney movie called "Brave", but I guess he wouldn't understand. No phones or television are existing in this world, after all.

"Please teach me how to play guitar!" he said excitedly as he eagerly pulled my arm.

"Alright, alright! We shall begin right away!" I laughed.

Today will surely be a long day of teaching. I hope Arjo's okay at his work. I never get a chance to ask what his job was, but I guess I should worry more about preparing lunch for him later and making Kaiden drink his meds. I will take care of both of them and we shall live happily in this different world.

A world filled with furries and magic.

And somehow, being with these two brothers made me forget the prophecy that Seth the bull-man had told Arjo. I don't exactly know what this upcoming war would have in store for me, but I shall worry about that later.