here he comes again

he smiled correcting me :

_good afternoon , miss Mina . I guess you never stop zoning out right ?

I laughed at his answer and then held the dish between my hands and said :

_ And you never forget what's your favorite client's order .

_ for sure ! my homemade pasta is always a cure to your exhaustion and I know you can't resist it especially while staring at your aquarium friends .

he laughed jokingly then I said :

_of course ! I can't imagine myself eating lunch at another restaurant around here especially that they all cook seafood only're the only one to understand me uncle gee .

he then leaned closer and whispered while smirking :

_ of course ! I know that you hate eating your friends and so do I .

I always laugh when I come to uncle Gee , he just knows exactly how to make my day .

he is so kind and he treats me as his grand daughter and sometimes even as a daughter , and for me he is the father that I never enjoyed having , he understands me and make me feel comfortable that I even told him about everything I didn't say to grandmother , I don't even know what I would have done without him by my side .

i then grabbed the fork and tasted the pasta with satisfaction cleared on my face and Uncle gee noticed that so he said while leaving :

_I'll leave you then to enjoy your lunch .

I just nodded while putting a big amount of pasta inside my mouth . while laughing he was about to leave and then suddenly stopped to ask :

_By the way!! do you still hear those voices ?

I know exactly what he meant by voices because he knows everything about the weird nightmares and visions I have especially the whispers so i swallowed the past so fast and said correcting him :

_It's not clear voices Uncle Gee , they are almost whispers or lullabies as I like to call them .

_yeah I know , so are you still having them ?

I shook my head and said :

_it's been 2 months I guess since I last heard them .

he then just sighed and said :

you know's okay . that's what happens to all the old souls here .

I lift a brow in confusion and as soon as he noticed my expression he said in a hurry :

_ never mind ! you'll figure it out yourself when it's time .

then I shook my head in disbelief and said in the disappointment :

_ why iam even here , in this world ?

he then said all of a sudden :

_your parents .....don't hate them ....

and before he could continue I knew what he was gonna say so I cut him off saying :

_ I don't .....I don't even care about them .

he just nodded and left to continue his job while I finished my dish of pasta .

after going back to the campus again I went directly to the library to meet my class group to work on our representation for next week .

the moment I entered the library I kept searching with my eyes for them and then I noticed a guy sitting alone in a table of about eight people and reading a book . I don't usually stare at guys whoever they are but something about him just told me he wasn't normal , his dark aura and deep sharp eyes kept me hanging in there for a while until a girl in our class group called my name while waving with her hand for me to notice and join them in the table .