The fire

after a tiring day at the campus we finished late at the library .

I was on my way back home when I saw a lot of people gathering around a car that seemed to be completely burned . I usually would just ignore it and pass by as if I saw nothing but there was something about that fire that stopped me right there . soon I was moving across the people toward the fire , it was attracting me and before I even could notice I found myself right in front of that burned car .

people kept calling me to comeback but all I could hear was some random whispers in my ear coming from the fire it self as if it was contacting with me trying to reach me , then my hand slowly moved up to reach inside of that fire but with a fast move a strong arm held my hand pushing it away from the fire , and the moment i looked up to meet the person who stopped me from doing something stupid out of my control i met his sharp deep eyes , it was the same guy from earlier . suddenly everything around me went black and I could feel my whole body burning with fire at his touch .

then before i closed my eyes I could see his eyes burning with flames again and his lips moving . the last words I could hear were :

_" you stupid soul !! what have you done " .

and then everything went blank .


I woke up the other morning in my room laying on my bed with a headache .

I looked around wondering whether this is the real life , and then I realized that what I thought yesterday was real was just a dream , a bad dream to be specific .

I went to the bathroom and did my daily routine and changed to a black trousers with a grey shirt and a white cozy jacket and of course my favorite black shoes , then I held my bag and went down the stairs walking like a thief , but surprisingly I found my grandmother and little brother Adam waiting for me at the end of the stairs their hands crossed together to their chest and glaring at me with a scolding look.

and when I was about to talk I got cut off by my grandmother :

_ So you started going out the path like a foolish teenager , huh !?

I wondered what she meant with that so I gave her a questioning look , then Adam replied :

_ Don't try to act all innocent sister , adults can be foolish sometimes too .

I didn't understand again so I went down the stairs and once I was facing them I asked :

_ what are you both referring to ?? I don't get any of what you are saying .

grandmother looked at me with mad eyes and then finally talked :

_ then what about your silly attitude . are you a fool to go and drink all night and get wasted and then come home all fainted with men ?? I taught you since you was a kid not to put yourself in such situations where you fall as a toy or even a hostage in men's arms , they could use you , yesterday you were lucky he was a good man but tomorrow god knows what's gonna happen to your pure innocent Soul " .

and once she was done scolding she let out a sigh , then it was my turn to ask :

_ grandmother what are you talking about and what man ?? I didn't drink last night at all , I just studied until late at night with my college partners in the library , and then I was coming back home when I saw a car accident and a ... fire , and then....

Mina stopped for a moment thinking whether last night was just a dream or reality , it was confusion her again , the she continued :

_ who did you say brought me home ??

her grandmother looked confused as well and then said :

_ A Man ? he was tall and strong with sharp dark brown eyes and oily skin .

mina's eyes widened , she knew it was the same guy from earlier , why was he all of a sudden appearing everywhere she was , she couldn't get it .

then Adam asked curiously:

_ then what happened on your way home that you 've been brought all fainted in a man arms ?!

Mina didn't know what to say since the situation was already weird , all she could say was :

_There was Fire ....and with a strong unknown power I was being pulled to it , and when I was about to burn my hand that man appeared to stop me and that was when I fainted .

Her grandmother seemed to be lost in her thoughts and fear appeared all over her face making her look so pale , Mina shook her arms worriedly :

_ Grandma !! grandma!! what's wrong ?!

and then when her grandmother finally managed to speak she said in a hesitant tone :

_ the fire !....don't get close from fire again , you'll harm your soul .

and after that she left her and Adam and went to her room .

Mina and Adam looked at each other all confused and then each one them went their separate ways .