the Protectors.

I looked at them confused when uncle Gee said :

_ it's okay , just calm down dear .

I didn't want to make it obvious so I just said :

_ I'm sorry , it might be just an anxiety attack or something , it's happening a lot to me lately .

then Jenny said as if knowing :

_ oh yeah we understand that , don't worry .

then uncle Gee said before leaving us :

_ Jenny darling take care of her , she hasn't been okay recently it seems .

Jenny just nodded as if knowing what he meant by that and I stood there following him with my eyes until he reached his kitchen and then looked at Jenny who seems to be thinking deeply and said :

_ Are you thinking of something ?

_ yes , In fact i want to ask you if it's possible for me to be driving you home from now On, since you are not in good state and having anxiety attacks all of a sudden may cause you harm if you are alone and especially driving home alone , I just wanna make sure that my friend is doing fine .

at this moment I felt as if I was a weak person who can't protect her self or something, even if she wanted to guarantee my safety I just didn't like the way she was looking at me , it made me feel weak .

_ no . I can drive my own car and I have people who can make sure that i am safe going back home .

_like who ??

_ like my ...boy...boyfriend I guess .

_ ow , so you have a boyfriend ?

I just nodded and she continued :

_ and I'm guessing that boyfriend of yours is KENNETH SALVACY ?

I was shocked the moment she mentioned his name and even full name that I didn't even know about .

I gave her that confused look and asked :

_ and how do you know about my boyfriend's name ??

_ send him a message . tell him the protectors are Back to earth and they want to make sure everything walks better this time . and his old friend is back too . tell him to be excited for what's coming further more .

_ what do you mean by that ?

_ well I don't wanna be the first to tell you , but you can ask Kenneth , I guess he will be glad to tell you .

I looked at her confused trying to study her and then said :

_ Jenny ....who are you really ?

she stood off the table holding her bag smiling aside and said :

_ I guess your Protector .

then she left me sitting alone lost in my thoughts .

As I thought to myself ... uncle Gee was the first to mention it then for sure he might know something .

my doubts were in place . there's for sure a relation between Jenny and Uncle GEE . and they are not in my life as a coincidence, it was all planned and they have a goal .

all I was thinking about now is to go to uncle Gee real quick and ask him before I go back inside my college.