Liar And A killer Exposed

- A Quick note my love ...

I starred at him curiously to continue :

- you won't just watch this time ....You will live through the experiences BODY and Soul ..

As I tried to Process what he meant by that , I Felt lightning strike my body and for a second i felt my soul leave it .....


There I am sitting on a wooden branch eating dried peaches and admiring the nature surrounding me .

it was almost as if i'm there living the experience in this body and feel everything , but still know and aware of my situation and time.

i can only watch inside this body and follow with the events completion , without control over it , i can only move it and speak words the way it happend.

while swaying my legs in the air as a little child enjoying the dry peaches , i felt a hit inside my belly , i looked down and caressed it smiling uncontrollably as i have no control here , and that's when i realized i was pregnant !! i was really pregnant with that big tummy.

As the realization hits me ; HE makes his enterance .

Audra walkes towards me so quick , the moment i raise my head up to meet his presence he kiss me on the lips , a long passionate kiss .

with that i start to feel drained , i feel my body shake a bit , not because of butteflies but it felt like pieces of my soul are being taken away .

He stops kissing me for a second to meet my eyes smirking as he holds my jaw in his huge hand . I Was smiling at him uncontrollably like any girl in love , but what was that feeling ?

my mouth moved shaping words to ask :

-you done with your buisness !

He starred at me with his intense eyes as if looking at his prey hungrily and murmured with his deep voice :

-just starting...

and he kisses me again , long and passionate ; still i could feel that ache again , like parts of me are being taken and stolen away .

I Could feel myself getting weaker , the more he kissed me , the more i was losing energy ; the more e skinshipped i could feel my powers which were the essential pieces of my sould being absorbed to an audra land ; i could feel all that .

I Mina of the Now inside that body and soul and time and era could feel everything from being manipulated , betrayed , used by audra , i could see the whole picture ..i guess it's because i wasn't blinded by love this time , or maybe because i wasn't under any spells of his or manipulation games ; except that i could tell I Mina from THEN didn't really realize a shit of what was happening to me .

Even though i was getting weaker and weaker and i could feel blood falling down my legs , and extreme pain started to befall me , i couldn't stop him from kissing me , or touching me or being near me .

i was just trapped inside that body and feeling everything my soul has to feel .

i was crying from pain by now , blood falling from don there like rivers , But Audra didn't seem to give a shit .

-Help Me Amor ..

i was on my knees holding my stomach crying in pain , trying to gather whatever little left strength in me to ask him for help , the supposed t love of my life ; while he just stood there looking me ith those eyes .

Those evil winning eyes .

Minutes and Kenneth breaks into the garden we were at . His worried to death expressions said it all .

He scans both of us and the situation and soon kicks Audra on the face kicking him down and kneels on the ground to my level and holds me between his arms ; his eyes all terrified at what came to happen to me .

-You alright , love ?!

His shaky voice couldn't say more but his eyes said it all , his heavy breath , his body language , his aching soul that i somehow could feel it fading as well explained it all .

As fragile as i am getting , same was happening to Him ; As long as Kenneth is my Flamemate he is to feel every ache in my soul , and fall down or rise up with whatever goes for mine .