Chapter 45 - Unknown Curse

The border of the outer and middle region has been divided by a long river, at this particular place where Kritos stood with his bow. There was a vast lake and a field without any trees. .

Kritos slowly moved towards the edge of the mountain. 

Kritos takes a peek at the depth from the edge, where he continuously heard voices.

Of a sudden, with his passive ability, his eye only focuses on the crispy smile of the demonic frog. 


Kritos legs hastily moved backward; a fear could be seen in his eyes.

He didn't know what to do, only fear imprisoned in his mind. Kritos ability to think has been shut, only one thought remains, 'Run as fast he can.'

However, his only option is constantly trembling due to the fear.

Hardly Kritos leg stepped backward, he found an obstacle which is further stopping his movement. With a sense of fear, Kritos slowly glance at his back.