Chapter 75 - Ancient Pegasus bloodline

Kritos and Sanju were walking straight to the crowd.

Many of the youth stare at them. They have heard about yesterday's event where Kritos showed shocking results.

Sanju again glanced at Clara who was standing with her father. Her golden hair, green eyes, and white porcelain skin earned her the adoration of many.

Her eyes immediately caught the sight of Sanju. She couldn't wait to walk over to him but she must have to attend her duty first.

While both Kritos and Sanju waited for a good time to congratulate and give her birthday gift.

Not long later, a man wearing golden armor walked into the hall.

This man was captain Mitchell.

"Greetings to Captain Mitchell!"

"Greetings to Captain Mitchell!"

"Greetings to Captain Mitchell!"

Captain Mitchell's arrival brought many people out of their chairs as they immediately stood up.