Chapter 107 - War

In the square, outside of the passage, the three clan groups were all standing still and looking at the fall of the passage.

The building surrounding it was already too old. 

No casualties happened upon escaping from the passage. All of them are in Foundation Realm, so it was easy to escape from the passage.

"Lakhan, you really dare to take action against a junior?" The clan head of the Vishwa clan's expression was somewhat unsightly.

Due to the thrust of a sudden punch, Martis fainted upon colliding with the wall.

Both of the clan heads evacuate their topmost genius from the passage.

Sanju was heavily injured whereas Martis was faint due to the sudden attack.

"Whatever, first teach him how to respect elders," Lakhan snorted.

The Vishwa Clan was slightly weaker than the Dwivedi Clan who had 17 Foundation Realm experts. 

Compared to the Vishwa Clan, Dwivedi Clan has two additional Foundation Realm experts.