Chapter 134 - Emperor Eye

"Emperor Eye?"

A confused and shocked expression appeared on Kritos face. 

He quickly used Greater Inspection ability on it.

A golden light twinkle on his purple pupils, soon a screen materializes in front of his vision.

Compared to the usual screen, this time the screen was illuminating a variant of texture as if it was telling crucial information.

[Emperor Eye tombstone:-

The Emperor Eye enables its user to see another person's body with extreme detail, such as breathing, muscle movements or muscle contractions, body tension, rhythm, sweat, etc. allowing the user to predict future movements. 

It can be awakened by observing people and their muscle movements through the formulation of the Emperor Eye tombstone.

Formulation assimilated progress: 0%]

Kritos glanced at the formulation written on the tombstone. However, it was too small to clearly see with the naked eye, but it was not a problem with his Eagle eye.