Chapter 142 - Demonic Moon Leaf

"Is System want to destroy me? How the hell will I merge it with that voice?"

It was quite a troublesome mission.

Neither he knew much about the A.I nor he had the strength to compete with other participants. 

'Let's stop thinking about it now. I have to focus on the next trial.' 

Afterward, Kritos took out a green pill from the system storage and stared at it for a bit.

It was the reward given by the system, a Veteran Fighter Experience Pack(50 years).

As its name suggests, this pill lets the users experience the life of a random Veteran Fighter who fights on the battlefield for 50 years.

According to System, it will polish his skills and technique. Furthermore, he will gain 50 years of experience in fighting. 

However, the System warned him that before the consumption of this pill. The host must have a strong will to oppose the side effect of personality change due to this pill.