t h i r t y - f i v e : ambush

March 2017

Lacey's POV:

Look at the progress we've made, and it's only been one month. Women from all over the country are working in my lab. Thanks to all the donors and supporters I've received from that tweet, we might actually get this to happen. Even with the success of the last month, I feel shame, overwhelming shame. I feel like they know that I'm a horrible friend. Are the stares because of my willingness to speak against the patriarchy, or are they because Harry decided to video tape me without my consent, and now I'm on some shifty site. I shouldn't have to worry about someone posting me in that position... positions. Am I a hypocrite? I--

"Hello, I-I'm sorry for interrupting, but I'm such a big fan. I came from the University of Alabama, and I just want you to know that I value your cause... 100%. Nobody back home could speak up the way you did. I couldn't speak up in the way you did. In fact, my parents don't even know that I applied to be a part of this lab. I'm working up the courage to tell them. Anyway, you inspire me, and I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done."

"No, thank you," I reply.

This girl can't be much older than me, and yet she looks up to me. The impact I have on others is so great... sometimes it's overwhelming seeing myself as this powerful woman. Hooking up with Harry brings me back to the painful reality.

I turn into the next desk. "The media response to our goals are 50-50."

"Okay," I look to her nametag, "Isla Vox, what can we do about that?"

"We can release ads that paint our ideas in more of a positive light. We can try to appeal to people's desire for equality."

"And which groups are predominantly against us?"

"Uh, I would say white men."

I nod. Figures.

"Find something that would make them sympathize."

I walk away to be greeted by my bestfriend.

"Hey, I told you," she beams.

"Told me what?"

"I told you this would work. Look at how many people are here for you, for womankind," Terra says.

"I didn't doubt you or me for a second."

"Oh, please," she giggles.

June 2040

"It's nowhere. Nowhere," Dewey emphasizes.

"By the laws of nature, it has to be somewhere, Dew. We just haven't found it," Hewey snaps.

"And we know whose brilliant idea it was to introduce our precious creation to the masses," Hew rolls his eyes.

"That group was hardly 'the masses'," John airquotes. "I will not apologize for spreading knowledge and opportunity."

"Even if it gets us detained and almost sentenced?"

John just turns back on the path and walks ahead.

"What are the chances that we'll find it in this big town?" Hewey asks.

Slim to none, Dewey thought, but to prevent ruining morale, he stayed silent.

"This house," John looks up suddenly, "is an Andrew Jackson's," he says more like a question.

They turn into the walkway of Andrew's house.

After a light knock, the door swings open. "Who is it?" a man barks.

His son recognizes the three guests immediately. "D-Dad, I think they're selling cable or something," he stutters.

"N-No, actually," Hewey starts, but the door interrupts him with a slam.

"I guess we'll try somewhere else," John suggests.

Then the door opens again slowly.

Andrew exits with even less speed. "I'm glad you guys got out, but you can't just--"

"Where's our time traveling remote? It got lost in the raid or someone stole it--we don't know, but if you know anything--"

"I don't know anything about that. I was detained with everyone else--right in front of you. Please don't come back here. I'm in enough shit as it is."

With that, he closes the door ever so softly, leaving the three even more confused. Who the hell has their device, and what have they done with it?

Jack's POV:

"Yeah, it's just not gonna work out. Sorry."

I'm a free man. Jaden got too clingy and Kara wants someone else. She might deny it, but I know. I saw the way he looked at her that day at Coldstone. Maybe it's good to just stay single for once. Fuck dad's expectations.

"Hey, I need to talk to you," Tiana texts.

"Okay. Come over," I reply.

Shortly, she arrives.

"Hey, we need to talk."

"So I've heard."

"About Kara."

Well, that was unexpected.

"Come in."

We sit on the couch while a game plays lowly in the background.

"I think she's not the same girl we've known our whole lives."

"Right. She broke up with me weeks ago, but she definitely didn't seem like herself, and I know why."

"Me too," she agrees.

"Shawn," we say in unison.

"Shawn?" I ask, "What do you know about him?"

"Please, she's been all over him for weeks. I knew she wasn't being faithful to you since we went to Andrew's party that night."

"You deserve someone better. Not Kara, who jumps on any guy that glances at her more than once."

"Wait, if that were true, then she's been cheating throughout our whole relationship."

"Yep, like I said, she doesn't deserve you," she inches closer to me. She does that batting eyelash thing and leans in.

"No. What if she isn't actually with him. She denied it. I should believe her, right?"

"She's lying," Tiana shouts abruptly.

I scoot over, "Either way, we probably shouldn't be kissing. Wha-What exactly did you come over to talk about?"

"I have reason to believe that she's in a counterrevolution club or organization."

In any other instance, I'd cackle at her and tell her to get out, but maybe dad had his convictions for a reason. It's that Shawn kid.

"My dad did some digging into a group near here."

"There's a group near us?!" she sounds horrified.

"You know how these things are. They're probably everywhere. Anyway, he thought she was a part of it. He ordered a raid and detainment of everyone in their meeting."


"She wasn't caught there, so dad abandoned his suspicions... mostly, and I've abandoned mine."

"Ehh, I'm not so sure. I got a hold of her new boyfriend's diary, and there's some interesting stuff inside."

"Wait, he still writes in a diary?"

"Ugh, men. Never focused on the right thing," she groans.

I frown.

"Oops. Didn't mean to say that out loud," she brushes a strand of hair behind her ear. "Anyway, here," she passes over a thick black book, "Read for yourself."

I skim through a few pages, and it's horrible. He needs to be stopped. I can't believe I sat back and let this parasite to the New World get to Kara. If only I hadn't been wrapped up in Jaden and distancing myself from her, she wouldn't have turned to this guy.

"So he introduced her to this group? But neither of them were found at the bust. I don't understand."

"Maybe they weren't there, but they were part of the group. Or maybe they escaped."

"They didn't escape. The police cleared the entire apartment building where they gathered."

She shrugs, "The book is evidence enough. We need to separate her from that guy, or else we might not be able to recognize her by the end of the summer."

I nod. "And it starts with our date on Friday, mine and Shawn's."

That took a big fucking turn. "I'm sorry, you have a date with this guy? I should have known. This is one of your revenge things. You're gonna humiliate Kara until she doesn't even want to show her face at school. Count me out."

"No, no!" she pulls me down. "The date was pre-planned, as like a favor. Anyway," she emphasizes, "on the date, I'll kind of like interrogate him about it, or maybe I'll appeal to his hatred of the New World to get him to confess."

Okay, less bitchy than I expected from Tiana. For a second there, I thought she was up to her old tricks. Now she seems to be... helping?

"How do I come to play in this?"

"You're going to 'coincidentally' be at the movies where we go out, with Kara."

"She won't even talk to me, let alone go on a date."

"Well, try."

After some silence and foot tapping, "What were you watching earlier?"

"You know, it's getting a little late. Dad's sleeping, and I don't want to wake him up. I'll try to talk to Kara, but I'm sure she won't budge."

She gets up and leaves.

Kara's POV:

Camping is fun. Wow, that's something I never thought I'd be saying...

He makes it fun. I've spent most of the evening not worried about the bugs and large animals that might be lurking in the woods.

Of course, to make matters worse, I hear some leaves crunching and footsteps approaching the tent.

I clutch the blanket he brought. It's camo print. How fitting. Maybe it will hide me. I hide underneath, just in case.

The tent zipper opens, "What the hell are you doing?" he laughs.

I pull the blanket down, "Nothing. What are you doing?"

Then I join in the laughter, "I told you I'm afraid of creatures. I thought you were a mountain lion or something."

"You're crazy."

"You already knew that."

"We're not even that far from the city," he chuckles.

I continue laughing, and he leans over to kiss me. It's still kinda weird that our relationship has come to this.

He's not a bad kisser, either... like at all.

Shirtless and cool from the water, he gets on top. He plants a hand on my waist and the other on my neck. Underneath his touch, my skin tingles. My whole body is practically shaking under him... the steamy anticipation. Physically, my body's saying yes, but mentally, I know that if we go further, I might regret it.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm just kind of getting hot, so" I wiggle from under him, taking a few deep breaths.

"We haven't spoken about this in full depth, but it's okay if sex isn't something you see yourself doing for a while. I like you as a person. Honestly, it's refreshing to be with someone who doesn't only think about that."

Oh my gosh, I seem like a weird inexperienced loser, don't I? Fuck.

"Wow, refreshing... I don't know how to take that."

"Take it as a compliment."

"It feels like a cop out. Like you've been through enough sex crazed girls, and now you want to cool down with that, so you found the one girl you know, who isn't really interested in it," I cross my arms.

"Hell no. That's not it. If I wanted another girl, believe me Kara, I have plenty to call, but I want you."

"Jeez," I hiss, "Is that supposed to be a compliment, too?"

"I'm sorry," he places his hand on my arm. I just turn farther. "I didn't mean to mention all the girls I may or may not have been with. Thi-This is why I don't like relationships. There's so much pressure..."

"It's not pressure, it's just the basic request for you not to mention the many girls you could be with. Are there any other girls that you're planning to change the world with?"

He stays silent.

"I thought so."

He chuckles, "You're jealous."

"Eww, why would I be jealous?"

"Cuz you like me, cuz you like me," he sings, while pulling me back and forth.

"Whatever. Don't ever mention the other girls in your phone again and I'll keep liking you," I raise an eyebrow.

"Deal. I don't care about them anyway, just you."

"Ugh, why is that working on me," I groan. I'm not supposed to be falling for these tricks.

"Because it's true."

I prop my head on my hands and look up at him. He's still looking at me in that way... I can't fully describe it. I'm just singing "cuz you like me, cuz you like me" in my head.