Chapter 9

Shreya seriously walked towards Arvind anna and gripped his collars tightly.

"How dare to send my friend to such a client? Do you know her condition? Don't you have any shame to ask her wellness?" she yelled on him.

As I was very weak and not in a position to respond. I was watching them silently.

"Please leave him. He was too worried about Priya. He doesn't know about that client. Calm down." Karthik stopped Shreya.

"He doesn't know what happened with Priya. Just now, I told what happened with Priya in that company." Karthik stopped her.

Karthik offered coffee to us and asked us to take a rest. They both left our room closing the door.

I could hear the conversation between Karthik and Arvind anna but it was not clear.

After a few minutes, Anna entered our room. At that time, I was sleeping on Shreya's lap still tears were flowing from my eyes.

"Priya…." Anna called me.

I looked at him wiping my tears.

"come for dinner. you have to medicines right?" Anna pleaded to me.

" I am not feeling hungry Anna" I replied sitting on the bed.

" Please dear, come for dinner. I will speak with dad to not send to meet any client outside" Anna promised me.

"She is not going to work with your company anymore. I am going to send back to my home after she recovered" Shreya said harshly.

" you have no right to make decisions. By the way, I am talking with my sister, not with you. So stop interfering between us" Arvind Anna said seriously.

" I am her best friend, stop your fake concern okay" Shreya whisper yelled on him.

I was just watching their fight like a show.

"Both of you stop your argument or else get out from this place" Karthik shouted looking at them with irritation.

They both stopped their argument and the room was filled with silence.

" Do you both have any sense? At least you both bother about Priya condition, how much she was feared of today's incident?" Karthik asked them.

"We can meet tomorrow, please leave for now," Karthik told Arvind Anna giving a sharp glare.

Anna walked out of the room along with Karthik looking at me with a gloomy face.

After a few minutes, Karthik brought a plate filled with food. He gave me the plate and stood before me.

" I am not hungry" I replied in low voice.

"Shreya, I want this plate to be empty within 5 minutes." He told Shreya looking at me.

"please eat now, you have take medicines" she pleaded me.

She fed me with her hands and gave me medicines. I took the medicines and sat on the bed.

While I was eating, Karthik was staring at me.

"Don't think anything, sleep now" Shreya said.

" Shreya, go and have your dinner," Karthik said to Shreya.

"No, I am not feeling hungry. I want to stay with Priya" she told him.

"I don't want to listen to anything now. Go now" this time Karthik said seriously.

"but…" she tried to say something.

"No, but or if… I will stay with Priya until you finish your dinner. Go quickly and have to your dinner" he told commanding.

I was feeling uncomfortable with Karthik's presence in the room, mainly wearing his tee-shirt.

" sleep peacefully Priya…" Karthik covered me with a blanket.

I closed my eyes as I was feeling drowsy but I felt someone tried to drag me forcedly.

"No, don't touch me….." I screamed loudly and opened my eyes.

Karthik stood in front of me and was staring at me confusedly.

" what happened Priya?" he asked me anxiously.

I looked at my surroundings and started crying.

" Are you not feeling well? Shall I call the doctor?" he asked me.

" I thought Mr.Dixit was here" I sobbed while my body was trembling with fear.

" See you are safe in my home. No one will harm you here. Even if anyone thinks to harm you, I will see their end." Karthik spoke seriously.

He sat beside me and kept his hand around my shoulder.

"shhh.. calm down, sleep peacefully now" he consoled me.

I felt secure and warm in his embrace. I closed my eyes as I was feeling drowsy. Without my knowledge, I drifted to sleep.


The next day morning, I checked myself on the bed beside Shreya. Last night incident flashed in front of my eyes. I checked the nail marks on my hand. The feeling that someone touched my body made me feel as if I was dirt.

I cried on my face, why I was still alive after my parents died. It would be better if I was dead along with them.

My throat was dried, so I tried to stand to brought a water bottle from a nearby table in the room. As soon as my feet touched the ground, I could not stand properly and my head started spinning. I could sense I was going to collapse on the floor and my vision went black. I don't know what happened after that…..


When I opened my eyes, I found Shreya crying holding my hand.

"Are you awake? How are you feeling now? Do you want anything?" she asked me wiping her tears.

"water…." I replied weakly.

She made me sit carefully on the bed and helped me in drinking water.

"You sleep now, I will sit beside you. The doctor said to take rest" she took the glass from my hand.

I nodded my head weakly. Suddenly I realized, still, Shreya is in the probation period then how can she get leave.

" you are still in probation period, how you take leave for me?" I asked worriedly.

" it's okay, my job is not important than you dear. I will search for another job" she replied with a smile.

"But…" I tried to say something.

"but, what Priya? You are so weak. Still, you are thinking about others" Arvind anna asked.

"If your friend has no objection, I can offer a job in my company," Arvind Anna said assertively.

"Go to hell with your so-called job. I don't want to join your company" Shreya whispered yelled at him.

" I am not dying to give you a job at my company. I am offering you a job as you are taking care of my sister" Arvind Anna replied with a grimace in his face.

" She is my friend first later she is anything to you. Understand?" she pointed fingers towards Arvind Anna.

" Tell me Priya, who is the first priority?" Shreya asked me.

Oh my god!!! They are involving me in their fight…. I was thinking in my mind…

Stayed tuned….