Chapter Twelve

Carson's Pov:

I woke up the next morning with a heavy arm wrapped around my waist. I looked up to see Maddox sleeping soundly beside me. He looked so handsome sleeping. I tried to pry his arm off but he pulled me closer.

"Stay." His voice was raspy, very sexy morning voice in deed. Kendra was humming, proud to be in his arms , way to much. I half smiled, even though I will still upset about last night, I needed answers. I pulled away again and succeeded, running toward the bathroom locking the door. I took a shower and changed my clothes, I brushed my hair and teeth and put makeup on. Once I finally opened the bathroom door Maddox sat at the edge of the bed waiting.

"I need answers to last night. Why you stood me up then come to see me at twelve in the morning crying." My voice had irritation written all over it.

"My parents were attacked my rouges last night. They didn't make it." My eyes widened with the news. I mean I would be completely upset and crying if mine were. My parents left me five years ago on my own leaving me in the village. Thank gosh, Alpha Drake helped me a lot.

"I'm sorry." I felt bad but I'm glad he came to me.

"Why didn't you go to Victoria instead of me?" I asked slowly.

"Your my mate. You would've helped me better than her, plus we ain't together anymore." My eyes widened of the shock that came over me. This was my chance. To be with him and fall in love with him, like we are supposed to.

"May I ask why?" I averted my eyes away from him understanding if he said no. I just wanted to help. He looked up at me making eye contact. His eyes were filled with hatred and guilt.

"I'm sorry. I can't tell you why. Unless you become Luna." I nodded understanding.

"I'll become Luna." His eyes widened at my words, shocked. I was confident, I wanted to become their Luna, I was ready. But was I really ready to become Maddox's mate? Or was he ready for me to be is mate. He smiled, his lips grinning big.

"Alright, I will have the ceremony set for Friday. Will you be okay with that?" I nodded, Kendra and I were both ready.

"I also want to be your mate, Maddox." I quietly whispered not making eye contact. He got off the bed walking towards me. His scent was overpowering my noise, making Kendra and I hold him closer and mark him. Maddox wrapped his arms around my waist and his lips brushed my forehead slightly.

"I, Maddox Williams, accept Carson Winters as my mate." My lips spread upwards making the biggest smile.

"I, Carson Winters, accept Maddox Williams as my mate." As I finished his lips smashed against mine. Kendra howled with excitement. Our lips molded perfectly together as he wrapped me in his arms.

That was the best moment of my life.