Chapter Eighteen

Carson's Pov:

Its been over a month since I've been held captive. I haven't been outside these walls, and I'm losing hope. My hair is now knotted and matted with dirt and dried blood. My clothes were switched to robe of cloth. Every four days Vincent would take some of my blood and leave. If I would listen, I would get food and water. Its been over a month since I heard from Kendra or Maddox.

Maddox's Pov:

My pack members were surrounding the old abandoned house, as I switched to my wolf we were getting excited to see our girl again.

I neared the front door as everyone followed me. I opened the door and walked toward the basement, finding Vincent standing before the door.

"Well, you finally found me." His voice was rough and deep. I didn't care, as my wolf punched him in the face.

"We got this Alpha. Find the Luna." My pack members yelled. I pushed Vincent aside and opened the door faintly smelling Carson. I ran toward the cell and saw her body curled up into a ball. My wolf was so angry the way she looked, how she was treated, I pulled the cell door off ignoring the silver door. I quickly ran in touching her softly.

"Mad--maddox?" Her voice was raspy and rough, she looked terrible. I need her to be in my arms, her lips on mine.

"Its me, it's me baby." I picked her up bridal style and took her outside into the car that was ready to take us home.

I wanted her to be safe, feel safe. I missed her. Everyday without her was hard, my wolf and I couldn't take it. I was just glad that she was in my arms finally.