Too much to take in-1....~


The first answer we heard from Isabelle is "MAGIC." We all paused and before we said anything. Isabelle said the third stranger was Penelope and she showed her tattoo and she had the same black hair. Then Penelope said "moon's rising". Isabelle handed us a map and snapped "YOU ARE NOT SAFE, GO!" we were so confused... Are we supposed to follow what a stranger who is supposed to be Penelope told us....?


Oh uh, we know that death stare- Penelope...

We did not pause a second, ran and tried to reach the Red Cross on map.

~After a while of running like horses~

We reached the Red Cross; it was a small cottage. We rushed inside and locked ourselves. It was a cold night; there were no mattresses only a huge couch for four. The three R'S turned the cottage inside out to find two huge blankets. In one of them, the three R'S rolled themselves near the couch. I, Jack and Lila tucked ourselves on the couch and dreamed the night away.

When we woke up in the morning, it was like awakening into a nightmare. But the first thing that we see is FOOD we hurried and we chugged some water in and started eating.

We were full and NOT ready to have more shocking news but we noticed that Penelope, Isabelle, and Connor had so many hurts and scratches. We could not keep it anymore, Jack and I asked them about it and they thought it would be better if we got out of that cottage and into the real mansion.

"It might make y'all feel good," said Connor. We all started walking and Ricky was too full and did not even lift a leg. "Can we wait for some time I cannot walk, in fact, I cannot move you just made me swallow heaven" groaned Ricky, Denying what Isabelle said, "who told you we are walking". Jack smiled and muttered "are we flying then?" and started laughing. Isabelle looked at Jack and broke into words "yeah actually...."

We all looked at each other not knowing what to say or do. Oh OK she was serious. Penelope blew some kind of whistle and the next moment there were three hippogriffs in the front yard. Rachael shrieked "are those unicorns?" then Conall introduced, "meet ted, crusty and olive and their not unicorns they're hippogriffs". Just then I got reminded of the book I read about mythological creatures which said clearly, those hippogriffs were eagles with a horse's body. Isabelle yelled "no more questions. Hop on and buckle up. I'll tell you everything when we reach there". The three R's sat on ted and Lila, Jack, I hopped on olive. Conall and Penelope climbed on the tallest one, crusty. I couldn't help but break into words "These are mythological creatures in our world... Whatever world this is..."

"Yeah, sure wait till we get back home let's have a long talk." Conall looked at Lila when Penelope slapped his hand signalling to get on their hippogriffs

We flew so softly and gently shifted through the air and looking down; Isabelle ran and blew the whistle and a unicorn with wings came to her flying. She jumped so high and hopped on it. Penelope looked at Rachael and said, "She doesn't share". Before we even knew we landed in a castle. Lila babbled "welcome home."

We ran around the palace which was a mixture of luxury and extreme comfort the marble corridors seemed to be extending forever. The smell of the flowers mixing with the sweet breeze was almost putting us to sleep again. The sun shining through the huge glass windows was soothing. Then suddenly in a blink, we were on the couch. WhAt!? Teleportation... cool. Conall had something important to tell everyone. We all sat down and tried to understand everything they were trying to explain. They really wanted to give us a heart attack. Without even warning us, Penelope was crawling on the wall and Isabelle grew fangs and was behaving like a wolf. You thinking 'bout Conall? He crossed the limit he just disappeared into thin air and was looking at us from the above balcony. It almost took us an hour to reach there and he reached there like a light ray.

"What are you?" yelled Rachael. "Lycanthropes" I stated. "Wait lycanthropes? What are those? Wait how do YOU know them!?" Rachael snapped. "I'll answer everything" Conall jumped from the balcony to land in front of us. Lila wasn't looking good. She started to sink in her seat... She knew something....