The Island~


I hug Ted's wide neck and buried my head into his fluffy feathers. I was so drowsy I drifted off to sleep in no time!


I wake up to a small nudge by Jack. We had reached the big old Island. I have been feeling a lot of Déjà vu! A bit too much that I was getting really frustrated! I wanted to make it clear once and for all. I looked around and found everything so damn familiar I was actually scared.

I was a small walk from the beach to reach a compact cave. Someone who is taller than a 5 feet couldn't fit in. Or I thought so!

We walked in and successfully Jack avoided hitting his clumsy head on the entrance. We walk in to find a huge yet beautiful cave. It was just a cave but was decorated with many shining little stones which lit up the whole cave showing the amazingly drawn figure on the red stone walls and the high roof.

The drawings tell tales and I was really shocked to see such a beautiful place with a equally beautiful story. I looked around to find everyone not as amazed as me... I was the only person with my mouth wide open. I hold on to Jack's sleeves and pulls it lightly grabbing his attention.

"Are you even looking at this! This looks so pretty" I look at his face as I get no reply. "Jack...."

He sniffles softly as I could see a glowing drop of tear in his eyes. He was on the verge of breaking down into river of tears. He wiped away his tears noticing my anxious emotions expressed in my features.

Perhaps it was tears of joy... He smiled at me "Let's go inside princess! People are waiting for us!"

I didn't understand a thing! Wait-


"Huh.... Why are you calling me princess.....? Stop it it's too flirty and how do you know people are waiting for us!?"

He went back to being a silent robot. He led my way to the end of the cave to only walk into another place. 'What is this place!' I thought. It was marvellous!

I walked into a forest of thick, tall trees. They were all connected by by a wide range of bright coloured hammocks and string lights. I wondered what a great view I would have of the sun sinking in the sea from the highest hammock! I was bonkers for hammocks ever since my childhood! Thus, this was the most beautiful view I could get.

I was so submerged into looking at those fascinating decorations I almost did not notice the tiny people joining their hands and bowing to us. 'Mom help me!!' was all I could think... What else could I have done I knew absolutely nothing of what was going on. The people raised, they were literally tiny!! They weren't on their knees! They were dwarfs! 'These are too many heart attacks to have in one evening!' I said to myself and scolded my fate.

Isabelle clapped for attention and she showed us our hammocks. We were all having the hammocks on the top where the breeze would be cold and the view would be breath-taking.

We walked on the narrow path bordered by multicoloured mini plants. We went behind the trees to find thick ropes with a hoop at the end. Penelope shoved her foot into the hoop holding onto the rope and tugging on it twice. She shot up in a moment and reached the hammock. Isabelle put her hand on my shoulder "go on... I am right behind you"

As soon as I shot in air avoiding any branch that could possibly break my nose, I hopped into my hammock which was so comfortable. I look down to find everyone on the ropes already. I see the hammocks beside mine I was in between Jack and Penelope. Beside Jack was Isabelle and then was Lila, Randy, Rachael and Ricky at the end.

I felt Jake staring at me with a rather tender look. once I looked back at his eyes he signalled me to look ahead of me. I turn my head to observe the most alluring sunset. Just as I imagined it to be. The pink and orange sky turning dark gradually as the sun drowns in the vast emerald sea.

I hugged the cute pillows beside me as I leaned my back on the soft material. 'huh.... where is Conall?'

"Psst- Isabelle where is Conall??"