Lia Amble; the protagonist has glowing caramel skin which goes perfectly with her pink natural lips and hazel eyes. She has medium length, shinning black hair which springs into light curls at the bottom and she loves experimenting on them by bleaching them or getting streaks of purple. Her nose is neither too short nor too long. Though she has chubby cheeks it just makes her look cuter. Her hips are just a little wider than her waist.

Her sense in style is always comfy! She would rather wear Jeans and tees than fancy lace dresses, and she always chooses sneakers over high heels. Her signature style can be described as cropped top paired with black torn jeans with a leather belt around her waist which has the extra part of it hanging poisedly. She always braids a strand of her black hair with streaked one tucking it under with a small hair pin.


Penelope Cruz has a warm beige skin with plum lips and green eyes. She has long, straight brown hair which reaches all the way to her knees; She always dyes her hair black or any darker colour. She has a long nose with a sharp tip. Her face is shaped perfectly as an inverted triangle with a sharp jaw. Her body has just enough weight for her height.

She always wears fancy yet comfy clothes! It can be Tang tops with short skirts or a turtleneck short dress. Oh definitely block heels or high boots! Her signature style is more of stockings and short dresses. You only see her in sweatpants if something terrible has happened! Dresses with strings and thigh-high boots are the most preferred by her. Her hair is always straight and only two strands of hair sits on her shoulder.


Isabelle has beige skin with thin lips and green eyes. She has medium length golden hair which is sometimes curled and sometimes straight. Her natural hair colour glows which gives no reason for her to dye it. She has a long nose with a sharp tip. Her face is shaped as a heart and has a soft cut jaw.

Nothing about her fashion sense is comfortable. Glitter, shimmer and shine. Only when she is out to hunt she wears pure leather tight pants and top tied tightly with thin strings and boots. She often wears string heels. Her signature style can be described as checks skirt and fishnet stockings, with leather top embroidered with stitches. Her hair is always tied into a messy bun that is fastened with a banana clip.


Conall has a tropical brown shiny, tight skin with a muscular build. He has sharp features and equally sharp jaws. He has leather black, medium length tight locks, it falls on his left eye, covering it. He has a short nose and thick eyebrows. His left arm is covered in ink telling various stories.

His dressing style is rather gothic and dark, chains and piercings included! His low waist pants and long baggy shirt looks the best on him. He always chooses slippers over any foot wear, but he also often wears short boots.


Lilac alias Lila has Ivory skin with thin lips and green eyes. She has short straggly blonde hair that falls over her shoulder and- everywhere. She has a long and upturned nose with a long face.

Her style is more away from comfort. She always ties her hair into a ponytail. She loves shiny stuff! Rings are the most important to her. Pencil heels- definitely! Her signature style can be described as any plain gown with sequins covering her neckline, hanging earrings mostly loops, black pencil heels and her hair tied into a pony with a simple black rubber band.


Jackson alias Jack has warm Ivory skin with thin lips and green eyes just like his twin sister. He has loose blonde hair that always stays up due to the amount of hair spray used on it. He has the same nose and features as his sister.

His style is kinda different from other boys. He never wears black and black. If he wears a black shirt he wears it with blue jeans! He prefers shirts over tees always!

The twins may have the same features but they do have very different styling senses.


Racheal is a natural redhead which fits her bold almost scary personality. She has baby lips, blue eyes and a button nose. Her short hair is never left open, it is always tied into a high pony. She has a lean but strong body.


Rick is a natural redhead just like his sister. He has childlike features similar to that of Racheal's. His hair falls on his face covering his forehead and most part of his eyebrows. He has a small body and he posses more of thinking abilities than physical strength.


Randall has silver hair, he parts it from the left and lifts it up to create volume. His shining blue eyes are accompanied by long nose and thick lips. He has a strong muscular body- (not physically visible, no abs and stuff)
