

We all started to walk back on the narrow path. Randy held me by waist tightly, and moved along with me.


"Jeez! Lila! Don't yell you startled us" Randy whined.

She chuckled and pushed Randy away.

"Let's go!" She grabbed my waist tighter, practically towing me.

"Slow down!" I smiled and followed her.


We all hit the hammock, the day was so tiring yet fun. I look at Lila who was now on the hammock next to me. I asked her something that was troubling me...

"Are we just gonna stay here and do nothing while the demons destroy this land and wipe our existence?"

"Isabelle said she has a plan but she wanted to wait until everything settled. Now that things with Lia are going okay, she will probably let us know about her plan tomorrow"

I nodded and went off to sleep.

Lila's POV:

I saw her hug her pillow and drift off. I wish I could fall asleep that quick, but how could I? As all the thoughts of the demons destroying each and every being on this island were haunting my mind something else rescued my soul and thoughts from being sold away to the valley of desolation. Racheal.


•3rd POV•

The three Rs became a regular at the group's den. They started hanging out more, growing closer and blending in. there was one day where only Ricky and Randy were at the den. They were concerned about Racheal. 

"She just won't come out of her bloody room!" Randy explained the group.

Racheal had locked herself in her room for more than 24 hours then. 

"I can smell that she is brewing something... It's not safe for her to brew alone..." Ricky added. 

The group then decided on going to their cottage to bring her out. She has to listen to the whole group. Jack warned Lila- The water withdrawals... The cottage was so deep in forest they couldn't risk her going through another withdrawal. Lila was the closest to Racheal out of the group, she was also very manipulative and was sure that if Racheal was not safe she has to be with her. 

"Why are you guys even worrying about my withdrawals however deep the cottage maybe we can just teleport there, you dummies!!" She spoke out. 

"W- we can't-" Ricky confirmed.

"Don't worry 'bout that we can! amirite Lia" Isabelle looked Lia. She just had taught Lia how to teleport and was really proud about it. Lia nodded in response as she beamed at Jack and Lila.

They swam their way out of den, Ricky and Randy muttered a chant as a little storm formed and dried all their clothes. Everybody paired up, Ricky with Isabelle, Randy with Lia, Lila with Jack while Conall and Penelope stood ahead of everybody. They locked their hands.

"Hold tight peeps, Don't let go. Don't open your eyes." Isabelle instructed. Everyone nodded. 

"Wait" Lia stopped everybody. 

"What is it honey?" Penelope asked being concerned. 

"I am nervous... Isabelle do you think anybody can join me.... so that I won't mess it up." Lia admitted. 

"Are you ok with going alone Pen?" She said she was fine.

Everybody took off holding tight and closing their eyes. Randy was standing in between of Conall and Lia.'

"Ready guys?" He asked. 


They shut their eyes together as they attempted to teleport-

As they opened their eyes they saw nothing but trees and..... just trees...

Shit! Something went wrong!


"Arrrrrgggggggghhhhh" Ricky was not in the best state- He was Barfing everywhere and his bathroom stinked of it. Jack, Penelope and Lila were knocking on Racheal's door trying to make her talk or open the door.

"Rachie talk to me! Just open the door damn it! Whatever you are trying to do let us help... Please" Lila begged. She finally opened the door to hug Lila and cry.

"I am sorry.... I just lost it... I couldn't think straight I am sorry!"

"What happened? Rachie don't cry" Lila patted her hair softly "What's the matter?"

"I stole it... I stole your chest which was hidden under the rock, at the den.... It was just the rarest of ingredients..... I just couldn't think straight!" Racheal cried out more.

"Dummy! It's ok I don't use it at all- It was my mother's she always kept it there for some reason... I don't care much about it, at least with you it would be of some use." Lila reasoned in attempt to console her friend.

"But-" Racheal cleared her throat as she released her clutch around Lila " I want to make it up to you for doing this! So, I searched and searched for a recipe that can stop your water withdrawal curse... It's ancient and..... I just need one more thing...."

"What is it?" Penelope asked. 

"Ricky and Randy" She smiled.

Jack was really uncomfortable and kept looking around. Then finally he ran off to the entrance.






"What is taking them so long!?" Isabelle mumbled as she stopped heavily at the entrance looking as far into the forest as she can. She was worried about Lia, Randy and Conall.

"Isabelle, where are they!?" Jack half-yelled as he reached the entrance to see that Lia, Randy and Conall were not there yet.

"I don't know..."

  1. A place of extreme sadness