Boiling water~


'Where is his cologne?' The random question popped up into his mind. He hopped all the way to the closet to search through his drawers. He found a royal blue, glass bottle with a cork on it. He unplugged it and a sweet smell spread across the whole room. "What is this!?" Ricky said to himself. 

He plugged the cork back in and turned it and flipped it a couple of times to get the liquid onto the cork. He then removed it again from the mouth of the bottle and rubbed it directly onto his wrist. He inhaled the sweet smell yet again.

Randy went through all of Ricky's stuff just to return back barehanded. He had not found the 'special moisturizer' anywhere in his closet or bags. He marched back to his room. He stood at the room entrance to only look at Ricky's head which was thrown back while the left part of his body was hidden behind the curtain.