Poor choice of words~


Jack's heart really felt heavy as he heard the two names ringing in his head. It was an unfortunate destiny that the couple had to face. Death of a partner and the other equally as dead, but living just for living's sake... He seemed as though he didn't care about himself anymore. 

Penelope's hand twitched in his. He was shaken out of his thoughts. "Pen..." Jack mumbled. He rubbed her hand thinking he had probably just had imagined her hand twitching and according to the chief she was not in a condition to wake up for almost three days. 

He caressed it and laid his head next to hers to look at her from up close. He didn't want to feel the way he was but he couldn't help but think about the same moment again and again. Penelope's hair was all over her face a strong gush of wind stroke them. Jack used a hand to move them aside. He got closer, dangerously close to her face...

