

"Well... The last time we dueled she won," Chris said it looking at the girl and his tone seemed in a way mocking as if he had known the girl would just love hearing what he had uttered.

"And then she told me where I was wrong and all my weak points and now I just used the piece of advice and apparently won!" Chris smiled wide open.

"Thanks to me!" The girl took the credit. 


Lia thought to herself, their bond was just not being enemies but it was deeper than that. It was powerful and she could put it to a great cause. No, She did not want to use them for herself but she knew they were just going to do so much if they fight the front line but if they accompanied her and her group while in the war, it could only do justice to their power and intelligence. 

"Oh, and we are really very sorry to disrupt the whole training session princess..." The girl spoke.