Chapter 16: Until Debt Do Us Part

"I apologize for doubting you, and... well... impulsively kissing you against your will. I hope you can learn to forgive me." Kaito said, taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"I don't think I can forgive you for it, but I'll try to forget instead. Until then, I'll consider your help as a way to show your regret." I replied, pressing B1 on the vending machine and taking my drink.

We had just finished testing the evidence for a DNA match and now we were waiting for the labs to send us the results, the problem with waiting though is that it can take days for the labs to return a tests' results and Kanoe was still being tortured for all I knew. I sat down across the table from Kaito and opened my coffee can.

"I don't know what I was thinking, I guess I let my pent up emotions spill over the edge and you ended up getting soaked because of it. I shouldn't have invited you over in the first place, let alone allow myself to hurt you." Kaito confessed, covering his face with his hands.

Pent up emotions? Was he going through some kind of heartbreak or something?

"Kaito, did something happen that week to make you act that way?" I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Yeah, things kind of piled up over the past 6 months. My significant other left me, my father passed away, and now I've inherited even more money that I don't know what to do with. Dealing with all that really drained the life out of me, you know?" Kaito answered.

I hadn't ever even considered the possibility that Kaito could've been going through a rough time and took it out on me that afternoon, but even so, he still did it. Maybe he's not such a bad guy after all? I mean, I can understand the feeling of a rough time probably more than he has, and that sh*t sucks.

If anything, I'd like to come to a mutual agreement with Kaito.

"Nee, Kaito... why do you call me by my first name instead of my last name?" I asked, setting my can on the table.

"Mn, I guess after blurting it out a few times it just kinda stuck. I'm used to calling my siblings and friends by their first names, so part of me sees nothing wrong with it. Do you not want me to?" He said, taking another bite out of his sandwich.

"Err, no. I don't have a problem with it, I was just curious." I answered, averting my gaze.

I fidgeted in my seat, this was getting awkward and Kanoe was still embedded into my mind. Questions like 'Is he alive' and 'what are they doing to him' started popping into my mind. I couldn't seem to focus.

"You mentioned you had a roommate, what're they like?" Kaito asked, folding his arms against his chest.

"Huh? Oh, you mean Kanoe. He's... difficult to describe. Normally he's very considerate of me, always listening to my thoughts and opinions. He tends to think of himself as invincible, he'll just charge in full-throttle without thinking of the consequences. We both have a bit of dark humor, so we get along quite well." I said, fumbling with a lock of my blonde hair.

"Uhm, I know this is out of context but are you two... you know.....?" Kaito trailed off, leaving me slightly confused.

"I'm not sure I'm following you, what are you asking me?" I asked.

"It's kind of embarrassing."

"Say it."

"A-are you two in an intimate relationship...?" I spit out my coffee.

"HAAH?! I-I-Intimate... relationship???!!" I coughed, "What makes you t-think that?!"

"You talk about him so fondly, I just thought... never mind. That was an inappropriate question, I'm sorry." Kaito responded, covering his face with his hands.

I can't believe it, he thought Kanoe and I were dating?! He's my roommate, that would be completely out of line and inappropriate! Not to mention, I have no interest in men and I never will.

"I'll have you know that I still hold onto my words strongly, I have no intention of having any romantic or intimate relationships with men." I replied, using my sleeve to wipe my mouth.

"It appears so." Kaito said, averting his gaze.

I guess I would understand why he thought that if he had seen Kanoe before, but he hasn't seen him since the autopsy and as far as he's concerned 'Kaneko Futsume' is dead as a door nail. I mean, Kanoe does have a really nice build, piercing liquid silver eyes, raven black hair, and fair skin that felt softer than silk. Quite literally making him one of the most attractive men in Japan if not for his horrible clothing sense.

I felt guilty even thinking about him, how I managed to escape while he's still in there probably being tortured mentally and physically in unimaginable ways. He probably thinks I died that day, and knowing him... he probably blames himself for it.

"Hikaru, are you feeling alright? You look like you're on the verge of tears..." Kaito asked, stealing back my attention once again.

"I'm fine." I said, looking away. I knew I was lying to myself, but if that's what it takes to pull through until Kanoe is back and that bastard is 6 feet under then that's exactly what I'll do.

Then it dawned on me, if the police won't help me because of their job then why not make them help me as a favor for a friend? And I'm pretty sure Kaito knows a few police officers who are in debt.

"Hey Kaito, do you know any police officers that owe you a favor?" I asked, resting my head in my hands.

"Huh? Yeah, I know a guy... why do you ask?" He responded.

"I think we have a chance at finding Kanoe's location, and we're gonna need that favor."