Jade Spiders

"A Soul Creature, which can enhance your sensory abilities? That's amazing. How did you get it?", asked Emma curiously.

Greg looked at Joe and after clearing his throat he said, "Well it's a long story."

Just as Emma wanted to ask another question, suddenly Greg's ear twitched, because he heard a rattling sound in the distance.

"What are-."

"Something is coming, be ready."

Because of the Silver Wolf's enhancing ability, Greg's hearing got a level sharper and he could hear sounds from a mile, which he could never hear before.

Hearing his warning, Joe, Emma, and Mila turned their gaze where Greg looked at, only seeing small shiny dots coming toward their direction at a rapid pace.

A while later, Joe opened his eyes wide and said, "Those are Jade Spiders."

"Jade Spiders?"

Joe nodded and explained, "Jade Spiders are unique creatures that love frozen places. They are intelligent and always in groups, which makes them a really dangerous target to hunt. Also, they have a queen in every zone, which guards the zone's core, so this clearing will be a little tricky."

Hearing the explanation, Greg activated Alice's firepower to be ready against the spiders anytime.

The others did the same too. Emma stepped back behind the others, ready to heal anyone, while before her was Mila, who's hand was set ablaze. Joe was in the front next to Greg, while he was looking at the spiders with a calm face.

"Mila, you defend Emma. Greg and I will take care of them."

Mila nodded and stepped back to protect Emma.

A few minutes later, the Jade Spiders arrived. Their numbers were in the hundreds and each of their sizes was as big as a normal car.

When they were a hundred meters close, they suddenly separated from each other and started to form a circle, ready to trap the four in the middle.

"I won't let it happen again."


With a swing with his arm, Greg used Alice's firepower. In an instant, a huge fireball was fired at the right side, turning some spiders into fried creatures.


Joe did the same and with his flashes of lightning, he made sure that the creatures won't form a circle on the right side.

Explosions on one side, while lightning strikes on the other. Booming sound could be heard from time to time, making Emma and Mila dumbstruck.

They looked at the sight in front of them, like they were watching some kind of action movie. Only the popcorns and the drinks were missing and everything would be much better.

"Well... At least we don't need to do anything, no?", asked Emma with a wry smile to Mila before her.

Mila could just nod, while watching the two boys before her and thought, "These two went easy on the others in the PGF. If they fought like that there, I don't think anyone could beat them."

As Joe and Greg were attacking to stop the spider's plan to trap them, suddenly a few creatures far away from them started to fire ice webs.

"Look out!"

Hearing Mila's warning, Joe turned his gaze to the side, and sawing the incoming danger, he dodged the ice webs.


With a thank, Joe pointed at the spiders in the distance, while his finger imitated a gun.


In an instant, a huge thunderbolt shot out from his fingertip, piercing the spider's head with insane speed, which was a hundred meters away from him.

While firing fireballs, Greg looked at Joe and asked with a smile, "Pew? Really?"

As an answer, Joe just shrugged and continued to strike other spiders with his thunderbolts.

As the fight was ongoing, spiders in the distance started to fire at them ice silks from time to time, but each of them got killed by Joe's bolts of lightning.

They fought for about 15 minutes straight when only one spider remained before them.

Seeing as only it remained from its group, the spider wanted to flee, but just as it turned around, a fist from the side hit it hard.

The spider after the hit struggled to get up, but in the end, it couldn't, because Greg was above it in an instant, while his palm was pressing at its head.

"What are you trying to do?", asked Joe with a curious look.

"I want to try out something, just give me a sec."

As he said that, suddenly a black fingerless glove appeared on his palm with smoke coming out of it from time to time.

After he got his Black Larva glove, he started to look for information about this parasite ability, which his glove had.

Asking around teachers and reading some books, he found out that parasite abilities can affect others' brains while gaining control over their bodies. However, as for how much control he gets, it depends on the creature's rank.

"A Manifester ranked creature shouldn't be a problem."

With that in mind, Greg activated his Soul Devil's parasite ability and in an instant, a black larva appeared above the creature's head. Without any hesitation, it crawled its way into the spider's skull and after attaching itself onto the brain, it stopped moving.

Almost instantly, Greg felt a connection appearing between him and the spider, just like between him and his demon mask.

"Stand up."

Hearing the order, the spider stood up on its eight legs and looked at Greg with its numerous eyes, waiting for his command.

"Amazing! You are full of surprises Greg!", said Emma with a smile, but seeing Mila's teasing look she instantly closed her mouth and turned to the side.

Joe put his finger on his chin and after thinking for a while he asked curiously, "Can you control more than one creature?"

"I don't know.", answered Greg with honesty.

Joe nodded and started to walk toward the direction where the spiders came from.

"Wait, before we go, let's pick up the energy crystals and put it in here.", said Greg, while taking out bags from his shadow.


With handing over one bag to everyone, all four of them started to collect the energy crystals from the spider corpses.

Time went by minute after minute and after almost half an hour of crystal picking, they continued their way toward the direction of the zone's core.

On their way, they fought some Jade Spiders again, but Greg's and Joe's attack killed them all without mercy.

Especially Greg's fire. Jade Spiders were weak against fire attacks, so those fireballs were the nemesis for them.

After fighting and looting for 2 hours, they finally arrived before an ice cave, which was full of ice webs.

"We are here. From now on, we need to stay as close to each other as possible. Emma, you will be in the middle and heal us, while Mila and I will be in the front taking care of the things before us. As for you Greg, you are responsible to defend our back and protect us, while helping in attacking too.", said Joe with a serious expression.

"Sure. Defending and attacking at the same time. Won't be hard.", said Greg with a sarcastic smile.

Joe looked at him and said, "It's because I trust the most. And also, you are the only one who can run the fastest from danger. So the one who can help us escape if something happens is you."

Hearing this, Emma and Mila nodded in agreement.


After explaining everything, everyone took their positions and started to walk inside the cave slowly.