Game Of Luck and Two Cards

Taking over the cards from Cloud, Mistress of Fortune looked at the cards in her hand with a calm expression.

Thinking for a while, she looked around and looked at everyone, but for a moment, her eyes stopped on Greg's face, while her eyes brightened for a bit. However it was for only a bit.

After looking at each and every person in the hall, she opened the pack and started to shuffle the cards.

After shuffling for a moment, she stopped, grabbed the edge of a single card and started to pull it out slowly.

When it was fully out, she raised her hand and showed it to everyone, while Cloud on the side said with a smile,"It's the symbol of fish. Who has this one? Please stand up."

As he looked around, suddenly a guy in a casual clothing stood up in the left rear corner and raised his hand.

"Splendid! Please come up here.", said Cloud and looked at Mistress of Fortune to go and choose another card.