Shapeless Dream

Greg turned around and watched calmly as Roy and the others walked away slowly.

"He really reached the Creator rank.", thought Greg with shock, still not believing that a guy at that age could really reach that level.

If someone heard that a person at the age of 17 reached the 4th rank, then there's only one thing that would come to their mind.

"He is a monster."

As Greg was thinking about all of these things, suddenly a palm appeared on his shoulder, making him come back to his senses.

Looking at the palm's owner, Greg saw Joe as he smiled at him, while the two girls were behind him too.

"Hey, guys. I was just looking for you."

"Yeah, we were waiting for you in the hall in the hotel, but the woman at the reception said you have already left a long time ago. Where were did you go?", asked Joe as he looked Greg curiously.