Jade Ice

"Was this really not what I was looking for?"

Greg was quite surprised and confused at the same time too. It was stunning because while the other two elements had only one role and were relatively easy to activate their flow, until then this element was insanely tricky.

It not only had two aspects that were different from each other but they could be also used in different ways.

He could control the water in the air and around his surroundings, he could make it to freeze it to use it for both combat and defense.

Thinking about this, Greg looked at the air before him and waved his hand. Watching as those tiny water drops started to move in the air, Greg thought, "Maybe the key here is not to use this element individually like the other two, but to use it physically? If yes, then that would explain why I can't freeze water without contact. But if this really is the solution then what should I do?"