Three Ancient Dragons

Sarah and Sandra led the three up to a viewing area, which was surrounded by several hundred extra small Sky Crystals.

While Jay examined the crystals with great detail which were around them, suddenly Sandra next to him started to talk calmly.

"You don't need to worry, you won't get injured. Even if those two go completely out, these crystals will move on their own accord and take any of their attacks, protecting you and this place from any dire danger."

The moment Emma and Mila heard Sandra's bold statement they looked at each other and a small while later that started to chuckle.

Protecting him? Protecting Jay from danger? Was that some kind of joke? The one who will really need protection if the time will come would be bit Jay, but Sandra.

However, it was no surprise Sandra said what she did. Because Jay was always disguising his presence, making anyone believe that he was a weakling, Sandra's thinking was somewhat apprehensible.