Jade Temple

In the ice cave, the three looked at their proximity in silence and with awe.

Everything around them looked just like any normal cave, but with the only difference, that the walls, the ground, and the surface above their heads were made out of shining jade.

Putting his palm on the wall to feel the jade-like substance, Greg looked a bit of surprised.

"Its surface is extremely smooth and I can feel that it is also quite durable. Moreover, just by touching it, I feel like my hand will be frozen if I'm not careful enough.", thought Greg as he pulled his hand back hurriedly.

"You don't need to worry about that. Because the whole place had been created by my power, it won't be able to harm you."

Listening to what Alice said, Greg nodded slightly and turned to look at Russ.

"This way. The temple will be a level deeper."

With that said, Greg turned back around and started to lead the way forward.