Creating Layers

"Cough... Cough... Cough..."

Coughing while waving the dust away from his face, Greg turned around and looked at the damage he just caused by his own power.

Including the wide gap he created by an explosion, the interior of the 25th floor was in total chaos.

The thousands of energy crystals inside there, which could be sold for a huge amount of money each, now were lying on the ground in pieces.

As he was completely stunned by this, several figures appeared on his side and looked at the interior of the building with shocked faces too.

"What happened?", asked Joe calmly, knowing it was an accident.

He knew that Greg would be the last person to cause such big harm, so he was entirely calm.

Turning his head to the side to only see Russ, Wayne and Joe standing next to him, Greg cleared his throat and said, "I made a minor breakthrough with my power, but it seems a small outbreak broke through my body."