Hildens car parked next to my own as he got out of his car with an umbrella in hand walking over to the drivers side of the car. He guided my brittled form to the passenger seat of his car. He turned on the heater and wrapped a dry towel around my shoulders.

"Are you okay" he asked, concern evident in his voice

"Just take me home" l asked not in the mood to socialise with him, not after what had happened during the 'date'. But he was the only one l could think of in this situation.

He was silent as he took in my appearance before shaking his head and driving to an unknown location. We passed by different stores all too pricey for my bank account and drove off the main road. It seemed as if we were on the middle of nowhere surrounded by nature. I took in everything, the sight bringing comfort to my aching heart.

"why are we here?" l asked because if l remember clearly, l had asked him to take me home. Not that he ever listened

"I could tell that something was eating you up and l decided to bring you to my own piece of haven" he said as the car came to a halt near a clearing at the edge of the forest.

We got out the car and walked hand in hand to the most beautiful sight l have ever graced my eyes to see

It looked like a sight out of a fairytale. There was a mini garden filled with different flowers, some that l had never seen before, creating a very spring vibe. The colour of the flowers all blended together looking majestic as ever. Ahead sat a small waterfall, the rocks were a range of greens and reds. The water was very transparent, clean and cascaded into a small lake.

I felt my heart swell at the mere fact that this men brought me to his special place when he didn't have to. The feelings that had begun to form were only growing by the second in this very moment

"Is this where you bring all girls you are trying to bed?" l asked jokingly. He only smirked in my direction before bringing his lips closer to my ear

"If l wanted to sleep with you, l wouldn't have to try" he said condescendingly. I could feel my heart skip a beat at the proximity of our bodies 

"If l wasn't immune to douche bags, then maybe" l said with a wink and walking further away from him

"You are the first person l have ever brought here, keep it a secret. I don't need everyone and their aunts finding out about this place" he said completely ignoring my previous statement 

I felt special in that moment. Knowing that this place was our very own little secret, something we both shared, that no one else could have knowledge of. Not even his so called girlfriend

"How did you find this place?" 

"If l told you, l would have to kill you" he said with a wink before setting a blanket on the grass and sitting down. I followed suit. 

We sat in silence both engrossed in our own thoughts. I could tell that he needed this just as much as l did. 

"Is everything okay?" 

"What makes you ask that?" he asked with a raised eyebrow 

"I can see it in your face, you wanna share?" 

He looked at me, as if looking into my soul. He opened his mouth only to close it a second later, shaking his head 

"Nothing you need to worry yourself about" he said

"If l am going to be your wife then l need to open up to me" 

"Don't forget cupcake that this is just an arrangement" he said 

And that shut me up. I suddenly felt the urge to leave. 

"I need to get back to Akai, can we leave" l wasn't even asking, l stood up making my way back to the car. My mood was ruined. I could tell by his heavy footsteps that he was hot on my trail. 

We drove back in silence and l couldn't help but feel like the ride was taking forever. And the uncomfortable silence that lingered over us was starting to get on my nerves. As if sensing this, he broke the silence 

"I didn't mean to upset you, l just don't want you getting your hopes up thinking that this arrangement can be anything more than an arrangement" 

I could understand the logic behind his reasoning but my heart refused to accept it 

"You act as if you were the only one forced into this arrangement. I just wanted the next two years to be bearable for the both of us." 

I felt relived when the Keys estate came into view, that meant getting out of this situation. When the car came to a stop, l immediately made my way to the house without a goodbye or thank you. 

When l opened the door, Akai was seated in the living room with her grandmother and at the sight of me, she gave me the biggest smile jumping for joy. 

The sight was enough to make me forget about all the problems that l was facing. I took her into my arms, dancing around the living room causing her to erupt into giggles 

"the mechanics brought your car earlier on, why didn't you say that it had broken down. I would have come to pick you up" 

"It's okay, Hilden picked me up and brought me home." 

"I see you two are getting along. That is the foundation of a great marriage" l could only offer her a smile

"How did the interview go?" she asked. 

"It went okay but l won't hold my breath about it." 

"What type of attitude is that. I am sure you did great" 

My phone went off and l was glad for the interruption, how was l supposed to tell her that the job was never going to be mine


"is this Aurora Bellaire" 


"this is Alice Petrov from Stardom Inc. I wanted to confirm your interview for tomorrow at eight"