"Isabel, my office please" John said guiding me to the elevators

"Hilden sent me to get the Stardom Inc. contract, l have to get it to him or else he will fire me" l said turning around and walking to the desk where the contract lay untouched.

"Alright, when you are done my office please" he said as the elevator doors closed. I walked to the stairs rushing to Hilden's office to avoid another argument, more like confrontation

"what took you so long. I thought l expressed urgency when l sent you down there or were you too engrossed in being lavished with testosterone that you forgot that you forgot that you have a job" he said running his hands through his hair

"I get that today has been stressful but l will not stand and let you question my loyalty and commitment to you and this company. your father asked to see me in his office, excuse me" l said slamming the document on his desk and banging his door as l made my way out

The nerve of the man. Did he think so low of me to insinuate such a preposterous thing. If l had to cheat on him or leave him, it would not be with one of his employees. That would be such a downgrade. I was so lost in my thoughts that l didn't see the sweet old lady who had an open bottle in her hands causing the bottle to fly up in the air and land on my white shirt while the woman tumbled down the flight of stairs

"Are you okay?" l questioned when l positioned my body in front of hers to cushion her fall

"Are you trying to kill me before my time? let go of me" she screeched while struggling to get back on her feet because of her old age

"It was all my fault, l accept that. I shouldn't have been so distracted that l was completely unaware of my surroundings" l said

"Who are you, did they send you to finish me off" she asked looking around like a crazy woman

"No. would you like me to take you to a hospital to get checked up?" the only way l could ease my guilt would be confirmation from a doctor that l didn't hurt any of her vital organs

"So that they can finish me off?" she said pointing a finger in my direction

"I have no idea what you are talking about. I work here" l defended, l wouldn't want word going around the office that l was orchestrating the death of an old lady

"I want to see my grandchild, l need to warn him about the danger that is coming our way. He should not marry that girl, not if he wants to spare her life" she said dusting herself off and walking in the direction of Hildens office. But l have more pressing issues to worry about like John requesting my presence in his office plus it's wrong to insert yourself into peoples affairs

The ride to John's office, the old lady's words echoed in my mind 'danger is coming' what did that mean, whose life was at stake, was she related to Hilden or one of the employees but before l could dwell on it any further l was outside John's office

"come in" he said just as l had raised my hand to knock on his door. walking in, l could see him working on his computer, his head buried in a pile of lose papers

"you asked to see me" l said getting straight to the point.

"take a seat" he said gesturing to the chair opposite his desk. I nervously took a seat not knowing what this was about. The man already hated my guts, who knew why l was here, the possibilities are endless

"Do you know why you are here?" he asked 

"No sir" l said, l am keeping it nice and short

"Isabel, you are a beautiful girl but you put up with a lot of nonsense, take those guys from earlier on for example" he started off looking me right in the eye

"Let's not forget my son. You need to learn how to fight for yourself otherwise people will just continue to walk over you" he said. I didn't know how to respond so l played with the chain on my neck

"You are a gorgeous woman. You need a real man like myself who will treat you like the queen you are" he said as his eyes lingered on my chest area. l looked down to see what had captured his attention as his words registered in my min 'a man like myself' and l could only look up at him in disbelief while concealing the neutral coloured bra that was playing peek-a-boo with my shirt

"I don't think that is an appropriate thing to say to your sons girlfriend" l got out of my chair ready to bolt out of the room

"Not so fast. Kiss me, if you don't l will tell my son about what happened today, might throw in that you threw yourself at me" he threatened as he made his way over to me

"Hilden would never believe you" l challenged although l myself wasn't sure of the statement l had just made

"Let me be the judge of that, you over his father. Don't forget that l still need to sign over the company to him and if you don't do what l tell you then he won't get the company" he said. I couldn't do that to Hilden. He would be more hurt by losing the company than me kissing his father

"Fine" l said as he smashed his lips on my own. The kiss didn't last long but he kept me in his embrace

"I always dreamt of this moment, l just never imagined that it would be this amazing" every word that came out of his mouth made bile rise up to my throat

"I know that Celia is cheating on me and l want you to find out who she is cheating with" he said letting go and walking over to his seat

"And what do you propose l do, the woman hates my guts" l said dejectedly, seating back down, the kiss long forgotten. Before he could respond, Hilden barged in the room with a faraway look in his eyes

"They took Akai" he said just as the old woman made her presence known