Today is the day. I had been playing this for a while now and l couldn't tell Aurora because she would never go along with my plan. Ever since Bob Keys threatened her life, l knew that this was what l had to do

Bob was getting restless and everyday that passed with Aurora still alive and under his roof or my roof had him growing more and more bloodthirsty. I had grown up without my mother and that affected me in the worst way. I couldn't let Akai go through that

I had to offer him my life to spare hers. I knew that he wanted to desperately become the next leader of Vaires and killing me would give him a fair chance of overthrowing my father but at the risk of losing everything and everyone

He had come to me to propose that we do things this way but l wasn't ready to die and the only thing l could think to do that guaranteed me a chance of survival was to enlist the help of my father