I spent the next few days patiently waiting for a phone call from Darke, one where he would be crying his eyes out because Kay left him but no such call has gone through and it has been five days

Darce has also been radio silent. It's like he forgot about my existence and l know what you are thinking, it's the twenty first century, you approach him and find out how he is doing

But that would change the dynamics of the relationship l want. He will start to think that he is the price when it's the other way around

I don't want him to get comfortable and think its okay for him to not check up on me because that's what l will be doing. Men are like dogs, train them in the way you want them to behave and they will do so. With the exception of a select few

"Darke" l call my brother. This is the longest we have ever gone without talking and it doesn't sit okay with me. He is the type if person who usually bugs me at every opportunity he gets.