My mother is a lot of things, but not the type of person woman you can argue your way out of family time. Not even heartbreak could keep Darke from spending time with the family especially during Sunday dinner. It is an unspoken rule

A rule that l despise because all l want to do is curl up in my bed, forget l ever met Darce even though he has started to slowly worm his way into our stone cold heart

Had he been honest from the beginning, it might have helped his cause but whose to say this wasn't all a joke to him. Make the your anti-fan fall in love with you. This feels like college all over again, only this time around my brother played a hand in my destruction

Sitting in front of me, fork buried withing the confines of his mouth, all he can do is look at me, silently pleading but l don't have time for this. He should have known before hand that l wouldn't forgive or forget so easily, heartbreak or not