Life throws so many curveballs that we have no control over. With no warning, they come like wrecking balls, ready to wreck our lives apart. And just like that, Darke's fragile heart was torn to pieces by the same person. But more than that, the person he entrusted with my heart had to betray him in the worst way possible

I could see my life flash before my eyes as soon as the car started and Darke sped off after the scene we had just witnessed. I was afraid to make a comment about his driving and opted to grab onto the door handle in an attempt to calm my racing heart. What could l say to the man who had slapped on the face by the infidelity of his best friend

That's what it is, cheating. How do you do that to someone who cares about you. I will never understand human beings. My heart is bleeding but not to the extent that Darke's is. Now l understand why Kay would call me a man stealer. The poor boy just cannot catch a break