Never in my entire life have experienced the feelings of embarrassment as much as l currently am. I should have known that he would come to my house when he couldn't get a hold of me. Like the devoted friend that he is, that should have been the first thing l expected because that is all he sees me as, a friend

I didn't even get time to mentally prepare myself for the situation, when Anaya told me to go ahead and wear my big girl pants, l didn't expect it to be this sudden. I cannot take back my words because now he knows how l truly feel about him

"Bless, l asked you a question?" he says a bit forceful slightly scaring me

"Matthew, l don't think that is the best way to handle the situation. She is already frightened as it is, don't make it more difficult for her by raising your voice" Anaya says trying to reason with him but that makes him more angry