It has been two days since we met up with Krento and we have not heard a single thing from him. I knew that he wouldn't text or call me because that would endanger his life a whole lot more but l at least expected him to send a message to Darke, informing him of his wel-being

After all he shared with us, l can't help but be worried. What if they found out that he was with D and l or that he told us everything that they had planned? his life will surely be over.

I had always had my reservations about Krento, with our rocky start, it was hard to move past all that he had done to me. So l always kept a wall between us and when he seemed to be reverting back to his old ways, it was easier to accept that was who he really is

But now that l know the truth, l can't blame myself more for being responsible for his predicament. It is all my fault that he is being used as a scapegoat while the real perpetrators hide behind their fake smiles and venomous words