Her mistakes!!(3)

All were tried when they reached the bridge of city A. The big orc which was behind them stopped when they reached the bridge.

City A was the place where Nina lived. This world wasn't the same as earth which had country and capital city. In this world, all place named goes with alphabets and some were even in number.

The similarities of the earth and this world was that developments of technology.

{author: um I just don't want to write a particular place name cause I don't know about lot of places and I am lazy about searching so yeah, I am going with alphabets and numbers.}

City A was not that developed city however it was not that undeveloped also. The city A's amusement park was famous and what attracted the must in its area were the forest for picnic and the large bridge connect its area and the city centra.

When they step on the bridge edge, the orc doesn't come near them. It stopped and left as if it didn't see us. All had relief sighed. All were tired and thought that they got to rest now.

But that didn't happened. After 30 seconds, the information status appeared.

[ you have entered in ]

- A connection path of games which can lead you in any level of game.

- Danger level determined by the game currently connected with it.

- The mission of < Bridge of game> must complete.

Everyone had angry expression on them as they thought they could rest now after coming out from but they didn't expect to got the mission. After the looking information status, they all looked at the mission status and they all had a little happy expression.

< Mission status>

Title: Bridge of game

Difficulty: 5

Condition to win: cross the bridge

Time limit: 30 minutes


Failure: death

All were happy because the condition to win the mission was only to cross the bridge but if some one looked at a the difficulty then they would not be happy.

Here all were a beginners and the difficulty was five which means that it gonna be hard to cross the bridge.

This hints was noticed by the Nina and Luke. Though the body of Nina was eight years old and her mind also started to think like eight years old but that doesn't mean that she was idiot.

The information status stated that the bridge of game was determined by the connection it had with the game and by the mission status the game connect with this bridge of game should must be the level 3-4 game.

Nina thought they all were unlucky person. After mission alarm rang. The movement in the water under the bridge of city A started to go insane. It was like the water under the bridge and the near of it was facing the tsunami. The water was hitting the bridge and the bridge had some water splitting around it.

They don't have any idea to run back so they ran. They have mission to cross the bridge in 30 minutes and the bridge was 1.5 km large.

What they didn't expect was the sudden appearance of the sea monster. A large and big octopus, it's tentacles were huge.

With the supported of its tentacles, the large octopus was tried to climbed the bridge but was failing.

But all the survival player on the bridge could see the tentacles of the large octopus. They all had a horror expression on their face. Nina was scared but this time she thought to herself that it could kill her so before it come to surface of the bridge she should crossed the bridge immediately.

She hold the hand of her brother, Luke and ran full speed. Because of her daily quest her running speed was little fast then others. She pulled Luke and ran towards the end of the bridge.

Scream of the people were getting louder and louder. Nina knew that the people behind her were killed by the large octopus but she doesn't look back and only pulled Luke and ran.

Behind her back, many of the people were captured by the tentacles of octopus. Due to its large and Heavy body, octopus only could reached it tentacles on the surfaces of the bridge. Around seven to eight people it captured and don't know what it did to them but according to the mission failure they were dead.

After a while nine people were only survived from the tentacles of octopus.

The octopus was angry because a while ago it was capturing people and eating them but after those small amount of people there were none. Even it extract it tentacles it didn't get any human being.

In rage, the octopus started to hit the bridge either the large forced. It not only hit the bridge, it also thrown black liquid on the bridge.

When it hit the bridge it only made some broken side for bridge but when it thrown the black liquid on the bridge, it melt. The bridge literally started to melt like rubber which came to contract with acrid.

Nina was stunned. Was this octopus even a octopus? It was throwing a large amount of acid like rain.

Because other hits and acid the bridge was broken into to piece and the edge of the broken parts were started to fallen into water.

They don't have any weapon which could they used now. It was about to end the time limits of mission and they were also about to reached the end of bridge.

All nine people were running with their full power. most of them reached the end of bridge. Only one minute was remained and Nina and luke reached the end of bridge but what the didn't expect was Luke's pant was pulled by some one. The some one was the boy who confidently told the people to be in their mind in the amusement park.

The boy's left leg was wiped by the one of tentacle of octopus. Luke looked at him and tried to pulled him but he failed.

The process of broking of bridge reached where they now were standing. The boy kicked tentacle with his right leg.

"Idiot pull me up." The boy demand Luke as if he was Luke's master.

Luke and Nina face didn't look happy but still Luke tried to pulled him up. The parts of bridge where the boy was lied was fallen in water. At that time tentacle of the octopus was loosen a bit. The boy took the advantage of it, he kicked with full strength to tentacle. He broke free from tentacle.

Luke pulled him up and ran to the end of bridge. The time limits was started to count down from 10 to 0.

They reached the end and the mission complete was shown to Luke and Nina. Both were happy but what they didn't except that they would be loosing each other.

The tentacle reached to Luke and wiped around his body and pulled him. This shocked to all the eight people who were happy that they were saved.

Nina cried loudly and reached her hand to catcher the hand of Luke but it was late, Luke was took away by octopus.

The boy with the confidence hide in corner when it happened and in his face it was clearly showing guilty. Don't know the guilty was for not helping his saviour or was for taking his saviour in this situation.