WebNovelRed Gaze25.00%

Red gaze

A worldwide deafening earthquake shatters the ground splitting the earth, as a never-ending sandstorm raze the surface while lighting strikes down with such might it obliterate entire mountains, all of this cause just by the small movements of the last standing God which now sleeps through the eternity above the world itself, twisting and stretching himself across the entire realm as he waits patiently for the opportunity to continue his work...

While the scaled God of retribution awaits, a story develops inside the deeps of this merciless world. Boiling steam of acid which could easily melt any mortal spreads inside the caves, that are now the only refuge Mortals have. Endless screams and cries vibrate through the air originating even deeper into the earth and as we fall, we can feel distrust, terror, pain, hate spreading in the guts of this doomed world, but remarkably that's not the only thing we feel there is something... Not new but something rediscovered, a feeling that was brutally forced to lay dormant for many centuries leaving the mortals into a dark place, but now it has returned and with it the possibility of change.

A citadel stands while its people prepare for battle. A battle that would be the first step towards a better future has started, A battle to end the war against the Terror's Acolyte who wishes to prolong the era ruled by his master who is the Designer of terror itself, this war has raged on for decades now with no clear winner. The Homo Sapiens and the Homo lupus know respectively known as HOMNS and HOMUS fight ceaselessly always going forward enduring the uncountable losses, always standing up and deifying a reality which asks of them to live as cattle or fall on the eternal nightmare.

On this day Homns and Homus prepare to fight as they have done for centuries but this time it is different, be it by luck or just mutual benefit a bond long dead was revived as a long-forgotten family wish to join them once again, one who reached and offer their help in exchange of asylum. The 2 families had reasons to distrust the forgotten ones since the Homo Natura also known as HOMURA abandon them in the past, hiding and enclosing themselves betraying the other families causing the deaths of thousands and the subjugation of an entire family... But as the distrust, fear, and anger start to emerge, a Homus leader in her wisdom declared:

"All the Homura in front of us are not to be blame or be punish by the sins and transgressions of their predecessors since the offspring are not their predecessors and above all can't choose their progenitors"

As these words were spoken every doubt, fear and resentment dissolved, changing to a warm welcome for their long-lost siblings. Now 1 week after it, the Acolyte has begun to move and when it was known that a new battle approached, the leader of the HOMURA stood up and pledge to live or die with the Homus and Homns.

After the meeting the battle plan was set and explain, the stronger legionnaires of the citadel would gather together and march towards the Acolyte ignoring any other opponent on their way no matter the situation around them, their goal would be only one, one that they would have to obtain no matter the cost and it to kill the Acolyte before he completed the ritual, meanwhile the rest of the legions would aim to kill or contain, the endless hordes of demons that would crawl their way up from darkest parts of the demonic womb of Lamashtu, as she a faithful daughter of terror would surely get in the way. Luckily a decade ago Lamashtu was seriously wound by an unknown hero and since then, she has been hiding refusing to leave her nest only sending her children to do her will as she stays safe in the shadows; this would surely give the mortals force a chance.

As the days pass the war begins as the stronger legionaries, the mortal's heroes run forward directly to kill the last Acolyte of Terror and while the heroes advance a brave legion made of whoever could hold a weapon whose original purpose was to help with the retreat of the legions took a stand in front of a humanoid being wearing ragged hood who was far different to what the three families have ever encountered, his body was bipedal one, but had something that resembles an exoskeleton and it was covering particular parts of his body, areas like his neck, spine, elbows, wrist, belly, knees and heels, unluckily for this brave but unprepared legion they just had been ordered to slow "IT" down by any means necessary.

"IT" walked slowly towards the army while a red burning gaze settles on them, the army just look at him not knowing what to expect when suddenly he stopped and the sound of bones shredding muscles was heard, the being in front of the army was the origin of it, such crude sounds twisted the stomach of the greenest soldiers as they lacked the experience of the battlefield. The sound continues for a few more breaths until the legion saw how some kind of sword blades made of bones were unsheathed from his forearm and calves cutting his skin and spilling blood on their way out, they were over 1 meter and less than 1 cm in thickness.

It was then that the army in charge of stopping him started to feel threatened even while outnumbering him 1000 to 1.

The veterans and higher-ranking officers that look directly at the red eyes of this being felt infuriated - How... How is possible that just one being can expel such a sense of dread – thought the Commanding officer while forcing himself to step forward.

Ca.. Captain Derack!! – Roared the Commanding officer who stood covered in a white cloak hiding his appearance as he finally broke free of the murderous WILL created by "IT".

Order all... and I MEAN ALL THE HOMO LUPUS IN THIS ARMY TO CHANGE TO THEIR ALTERED FORMS AND PREPARE TO ATTACK THE ENEMY! – The Officer yelled using his fear as fuel for his anger since it was the only way that would allow him to move.

YES, SIR! – Captain Derack answered as loud as he could, struggling to get rid of the fear caused by that unnatural red gaze, which even now was crawling inside him trying to drag his courage into the deeps of cowardice.

As the General moved "IT" started to move towards the army leaning left and right swinging those overwhelming red eyes.

Most of the soldiers do not realize how much of a thread that being is and maybe is for the best after all ignorance is bliss... - Captain Derack thought while walking towards his destination.

I hope you are fine, son...- thinks the Captain as a memory flashed in his mind showing him a dinner he had with his pregnant wife and his son before they were dispatch, thanks to this he remembers why he is fighting, why is he standing here in front on such a thing and also what could be the price of failure, Derack now filled with courage, love and rage reaches a small box jumping on it as he throws his cloak away and howls an earsplitting "War Howl" at that moment all the Homus in the area react to it, as their bodies grow bigger, hairier as their hidden tails do, their skin grows thicker and stronger as the limbs stretch allowing them to run in all 4 legs, their nails and toenails drop and are exchanged by claws, but even with this their strongest weapon is on their jaws, as it grows all Homus stop looking like Homs changing all their bone structure on their skull developing a long dog-like mandible.

The commanding officer smirks as he pulls his sword out and screams as loud as he can – CHARGE!!!!!!!

All the army join the battle roar while rushing to "IT", but even with this the veterans realize that victory couldn't be achieved as every step they took towards "IT" his WILL grew more concentrated, jolting any sense of self-preservation in the attackers to stop and run away from it until their lungs gave up.

Screams are heard as the soldiers in the front line are cut in pieces or stab so violently that their heads are separated from their bodies, the more they attack him the more dead bodies fly some in pieces some full of holes and other just ripped in two, a small group of 4 Scutum using "Animus will" sacrificing their live lines to empower their shields to scream – NOW!!!, TAKE IT! – as they manage to stop "IT" for a moment, which is not unnoted by the army that takes this chance to throw every single burning or bursting "Spell Of Destruction" at the target creating a cloud of dust making it impossible to see, after a small moment of silence a rumble is heard as rocks fall from the ceiling revealing that "IT" had grown 2 spider-like legs made of bones where his trapezius muscle should be and now looked at and through them from a higher standing ground.

No... - a nameless soldier gasps broken at the sight of such a thing as he felt like a roach tangled in the spider's web, others which remained unbroken shouted while fighting the fear inside them – WAIT! LOOK... LOOK AT HIS LEGS! – The unbroken screamed pointing at the lower part of "IT" that now had no legs only bloody stumps.

While the army rejoices with happiness yelling for the mutilation made to "IT" something happens inside of the being, until this point "IT" was callously indifferent to any kind of attack or comment only fighting when attacked, but now he had finally accepted the army as a threat and he was now fully awake and ready to make them regret.

"IT" roared as he jumped down to the army going directly to every single magic-user that participated in his crippling slashing, crushing, stabbing, and impaling everything on his way.

Le.. Let's do it AGAIN! – Screamed a small group of 6 soldiers while they ran towards the demon trying to recreate the attack that took the legs of "IT".

Sadly "IT" wouldn't fall for that scheme again, as he saw them surrounding him with full-body shields, he jumped and stab the head of every attacker with one of his limbs that had a "Bone edge".

Hours pass and the 1000 thousand soldiers were reduced to a mere 100 and even now it seemed no one could hold his ground anymore, arms fly, heads exploded, uncountable pieces or meat that once were parts of a body flew sometimes even with innards wrapped around them.

Dareck! – The Commanding officer screams filled with disgust at the slaughter of man and woman serving under him.

I'm here! – answered Captain Derack picking his arm that was just recently torn apart and pressing it against his wound letting his regeneration to heal and connect his arm back.

Dareck, this... this thing! Is beyond any of us and I don't see the possibility of us taking him out, but be it by luck or a miracle I just receive information that the Acolyte... that bastard is finally dead! - As the Commanding Officer informs the general with a forced grin fills with satisfaction, he falls to the ground grabbing where 3 of his right ribs should be instead of a hole.

Sir! – Exclaims Derack while grabbing his superior and old friend as he bleeds.

Don't lose your focus! I'm already dead... no matter what you do... old friend...- mutters the Commanding officer.

Yes, Mathew... – Says Derack accepting the unstoppable death approaching his friend.

Derack, I have a plan to stop that demon.... But you will surely die in it... are you wil... - before Mathew could finish, Derack cut him and answer him- You know I would follow you to the surface itself, so tell me the plan, you don't have too much time.

Ha!... well the last magical attack has damaged him the most... but surrounding him will be pointless, so if we could get close enough I could freeze him for eternity and create an opportunity for our soldiers to retreat... -Mathew gasps as he struggles to breathe - of course, a spell like that would take time since it's a ritual one, that's why I have been preparing it... for quite some time, sadly I will need you to stop his movements completely for me to complete the ritual- Derack looks at his friend as he gives him some of his "Animus will" to buy him extra time so the reaper delays his call, for then to answer him with a solemn look on his eyes – Let's do it...

As the two officers prepare, the army is been slaughter, people crying, screaming, begging, and fighting all over the place with the only hope that this nightmare already ends.

Run everyone RUN!!!!!!!! - A plated knight screams as he is torn apart in 10 pieces spilling his blood and innards everywhere, by now "IT" has stopped bleeding from his stumps while growing 2 more spider-like legs of bones to replace the one which that he lost.

No!!!! – a female yells in horror as the head of one of her beloveds drops on her chest. The female Homns can't believe the situation developing in front of her, as she falls to her knees looking directly at the eyes of the monster who is the cause of this, almost getting her soul rip from her body by "IT" unluckily for her that moment was enough for that terror to stops her heart from beating.

As a dark mist appears on the surroundings the female curls on the ground incapable of moving as her consciousness slowly waver and her body twitches with spasms.

Uri! – An almost animalistic deep voice yells as the earth shatters with the arrival of a Homus in his altered state – Uri! Come on stay with me! – continues the male Homus as he starts pressing the chest of the woman named Uri – Come on darling! Stay with me!

Uri starts coughing as her heart starts beating properly again – Ah...aH...ah – She pants as her savior looks at her.

Uri listens to me you need to... – As the male Homus tries to give her orders an explosion shakes the cave throwing both of them farther away from the only entry, smashing them against the wall, luckily the Homus was able to shield Uri from breaking her back grabbing her in the middle of the air and curling around her.

What?... Radu...? RADU! – Uri screams as she turns around trying to wake up her friend – RADU PLEASE WAKE UP! – She screams while shaking him begging for anyone to help Radu, unfortunately her screams were so loud that call the awareness of the murdering demon.

Looking at him directly she can see a human-like face covered by a long hair, Uri not allowing herself to freeze again grabbed a nearby sword, and pointed at "IT", which broke the sword and jump towards her ready to pierce her head off.

Hell no, you won't! – a dust cloud arises as it revealed that Radu woke up in the nick of time and without waiting punched "IT" pushing him and them in opposite directions.

RADU! – Uri yells but grabbing one of the men she loved and as she hugs him the cloud of dust spreads showing her the cost of saving her life.

A few meters away from Radu and Uri "IT" looks at them while holding both Radu's arms before taking a bite of one of them.

DAM YOU!!!! – Uri screamed as she created a spear of ice with all the WILL she could gather – YOU ARE NOT EVEN A DEMON YOU ARE AN ABERRATION!!! – She yelled while throwing the spear with all her might and resentment, knowing fully well that and attack like that couldn't and wouldn't do anything to him, but even so deep inside her, she wanted to believe that her attack wasn't worthless even if the reality opposes to her, she wanted to believe her attack would count.

As the spear approaches the aberration shatters it before even reaching him, but the dust crystals of the shattered spear covered his vision enough for the two commanding officers to jump towards the aberration.

YOU WILL BE STOP!!! – Derack howled as he took the two upper spider-like legs on his chest gushing blood through his mouth while the lower two where stuck stabbing his feet, regrettably the old Homus was only able to stop the aberrations left arm with his own while losing his right arm before been able to hold onto it, all of this before Radu's arms finally hit the ground.

It was during that brief moment that their plans were at the most vulnerable, if Derack isn't able to restrain him everyone would die at the hands of "IT" and he knew this. It was also here that the courage and loyalty of the Homus race pushed him and energize his WILL one more time to bet on one last-ditch effort.

IT'S NOT OVER!!!! – The Homus Captain roared while without a heartbeat to lose moved forward to crush "IT's" skull, which of course the being realized and took a swing to the head of his attacker using his left "Bone edge".

As Derack's blood dripped on his back and chest a dying Mathew screamed – "Carceris Anima"! – To what a still alive Derack answered with the hand of "IT" tightly stuck on his mouth – "Carceris Animus"!

And with blinding energy which pushed the army back, a young woman was seen hugging the aberration without a name as he was crystalized on an Eternal Column together with one of the Heroes that stopped him.

What is left is the memory and tales of the survivors which dug up the eternal column made of Soul crystal and bring it back to the citadel with both the incarnation of Death and one of the mortals will in it.

But it is said every now and then when a calamity event approaches the red gaze of "IT" shines to remind us, it's not over...