TOE RAG: Piece A

 Notion weighed up one gram of what he knew to be pure cocaine inside his car. He was parked at some extremely low tier motel and the car park reeked of piss and filth. Some homeless geezer had knocked on his window and presented a can of what was presumably filled with change. He had waved him off without giving a cent, to which the bum spat on his windshield and began urinating on his back right tire, until Notion hopped out and presented his offering; a baseball bat. To which the man that reeked of the parking lot stumbled away never taking his eyes off the weapon Notion had presented. He then hopped back in his vehicle, bagged up the gram, and gave his client the blank text that he knew she was all but itching for.

The passenger door opened and in leaned Emma, a 23-year-old prostitute from the South side of town. "Howsit Emma, what brought to the East side?" as the sentence repeated in Notions head he couldn't help but realize how stupid a question it was to ask. "I was working with a client, he just left actually." "I see, well here's your order." "how much is it?" "$100 even, same as always." Emma handed the cash over before snatching up the bag. She wet her index finger swabbed the contents of her bag and gummed the powder. "yummy. Ok Notion I'll see you tomorrow. I think I'm working out East again so it won't be too much of a drive for you." "How would you know?" Emma let out a mild cackle. "All us girls on the block know you work for Allister, he used to book me every week, well until he got tied up with that blonde Brenda. And I know for a fact that all of Allister's pushers are based around Bushwick." Notion snickered "Well not me, I assure you, a whore like you would never know where I rest my head." Emma's face turned sour "Hey! Fuck you asshole I don't need this!" Notion leaned over shut his passenger side door and began reversing out of the parking lot.

The next stop before his Final sale for the night was the nearest gas station. Once at the self service station, Notion walked over to the prepay bay. His ears were so preoccupied with the beeps from the machine as he entered the four digits to his card that they didn't pick up on the slight creeping of two degenerates tiptoeing behind him, one of which had a plank of wood. The plank smacked down onto Notions skull, bringing him to his hands and knees, he looked up for the culprit, he caught a brief glimpse of two upper class sweater wearing teenage preps but was met with yet another blunt blow unto his skull.

God knew how long Notion had been unconscious for, but he sure didn't. All he knew was it was still night time, seemingly hours from sunrise and his car was gone, along with his brick of Cocaine. Luckily his phone still had some charge and his first thought was to ring his old friend Jan, who had notoriously been a night owl since they were teens. He was a sure-fire ticket to getting his loot back and making those punks pay for taking what was rightfully his.

Once Notion had made the call and waited, he soon entered his friends car. They headed North to Blairsville. He heard his phone blare with his default ringtone, at first brushing it off as he assumed it was one of his many customers, and that he would be unable to fulfill the deal. However, when he saw who was on the screen, he told his friend Jan to pull over. "Whatsup Allister?" "Get your ass back to the Crib we got a dog hunt on, that shit you were selling was Laced by one of our mules, we don't know how much has gone out yet, but we can't have that shit on the streets it'll kill all the customers." Notion thought about all his lost product. "You think I can get a resupply I haven't got the money but yeah I can't be selling this shit." "We have one of our people coming over shortly, they'll run a test of the remaining product. Bring what's left of yours and If It is tainted Ill replace what's left." There was a pause between the two, then Notion spoke "Alright Ill wait for the text." Allister hung up. Notion really felt his inner demon begin to muster but he swiftly calmed himself, "Jan, we really have to get this shit. It was Laced, those fuckers probably took some of the coke snorted it and caked it somewhere in a ditch, car and all. We find the wreckage we find the coke."

Blairsville was across the city, it was a gated community, inhabited by the stuck up and rich of the city. The guys that had robbed Notion were almost surely just doing it for some weekend Fun, not even out of desperation. If they were to find them dead on the side of the road due to an overdose he would not be fazed, spoilt fucks getting some justice was the way he saw it.

"Shit man there's a Pig up there." Notion eyed up the officer "Shit! They beat us to it" the driver stopped in the middle of the road. "You got a gun?!" Notions friend was dumbfounded, "You're fuckin' joking." Notion began feeling under the seats. "Shit man If I give this to you I'm leaving you here I can't be involved in this sorta shit, killing a cop?" "I'm not gonna kill him I'm gonna threaten him into submission and take the coke, keep the car rolling."

Notion grabbed hold of the Glock his friend was handing him and tucked it down the back of his pants. "Remember, keep it rolling I'll be 1 minute." His friend gave him a nod. Notion hopped out of the vehicle and began creeping up behind the officer, who was investigating the scene. The Cop was muttering to himself when Notion was close enough to hear the phrases "Jesus" and "What a way to kick off the night" Notion pressed the barrel firmly against the buzz cut that belonged to the boy in blue. "Lay on the ground or I blow your brains out." The Cop jolted but did not resist, he complied with every demand. Notion took away his firearm and threw it across the road whilst pressing his heel to the back of the Cops neck. He peered into the passenger seat which held one of the two recently deceased upper-class degenerates, on his lap was his bag of cocaine which to his dismay had been partially spilled. He made a quick knot, then said to the man who's neck his right foot had become accompanied with; "You keep your chin pressed firmly against that concrete son, you lift your head even an inch up, down, side to side I'll blow your head off." He then backed up slowly up to his friend's car his eyes pressed firmly on the cop who was yet to move an inch. Notion flung himself into Jan's car and the two speed down the main street. The Cop sprung to his feet and retrieved his handgun and began sloppily firing at the Getaway vehicle. He hit the rear right wheel and the vehicle began to pull to one side. Another shot blew out the rear window. The third and final shot blew Notions drivers head to smithereens. Notion panicked steering the vehicle onto the side of the road safely, before hopping out to run the rest on foot.