Chapter 1: Part 1-The Beginning of DEspair

Life is crazy in the city of Latana, people rush everywhere and they don't have many manners at their disposal, crime is rampant in the city and mafias across the city run different districts of the city in secret. Despite all this, people across the globe migrate to this city in search of life; This cause has attracted a certain bold female who is determined to achieve the greatest in life, her name is Talia.

Talia on the outside is just an ordinary cute girl for her age. Talia is 19 years old standing at a height of 5′ 4″ , her hair is long and black covering her fringe and ending semi-down her back, her face is soft and feminine, her bra cup is a C cup with well-rounded boobs, Talia's body structure is femininely curvy, her ass is round and curvy making it noticeable when wearing tight leggings, Talia's vagina is small and tight due to her virginity still being kept and nerveless Talia on the outside is just an ordinary girl. However, Talia on the inside has a heart of stone, she be-little people on a daily basis, her attitude towards people is frequently bitchy, her eyes pierced through everyone she interacts with. Despite the decent looks, Talia's personality stops her from becoming a sociable human as she has no friends nor has any close family members due to her bad personality. Despite this, Talia moves on with her life as she has become both a waitress and college student in the city of Latana. Today is a Saturday and Talia has an evening shift in the cafe she works in, she is currently sleeping in the afternoon due to college early morning classes she attends on Fridays, little does she know today will be the day she regrets ever living...

"W..what time is it?'' Talia tiredly mumbles, "wh...ere is my phone?". Talia reaches towards her phone and with it she tries turning it on..."AH FUCK MY PHONE DIED!", Talia jumps straight out of bed and clumsily ran to her clock "SHIT ITS ALREADY 6PM...MY SHIFT STARTS AT 7PM!". With bashfulness, Talia runs straight to the shower where she washes herself in record time. After quickly showering, Talia runs straight to the kitchen to make coffee to wake her up, she runs straight towards her wardrobe to put on her underwear and uniform which all so happens to be black materials, she runs to her beauty stand where she applies make-up and lipstick in a rash way. Finally finished, she runs back to the kitchen where she left her coffee in her flask, she picks it up and heads straight towards the door. With no observations, she shuts her door and walks the opposite way where suddenly she tumbles on someones leg, "Ow...What the fuck are you doing here you rat!" Talia looks in disgust as she encounters a homeless man sleeping outside her door. "Sorry little miss your apartment had a small covering that blocked the rain last night and so I slept under it to keep warm" Said a homeless man in a embarrassed tone of voice "I don't give a fuck get of my property now you piss ant!'' Said Talia in a heat of rage. The homeless man was an old scrawny man with odly coloured white hair. "But mi-'' Without letting the homeless man finish his sentence, Talia pours the coffee from her flask at the homeless man ''OWWWW WHAT IN GOD's NAME DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?'' screamed the homeless man in pure pain, ''Dont shout at me rat you're making me late for work and I haven't got time to deal with you'' Talia said whilst walking away from the man, ''I CURSE YOU WITH A LIFETIME OF DESPAIR!'' Screamed the homeless man whilst pointing directly at the back of Talia. With an utter authority complex, Talia walked away not even looking back at the homeless man, all she did was smirk and chuckle upon what she just did and how mighty it makes her look. Talia kept walking to where she finally made it to her job.

Talia enters the cafe not knowing the time of day and how late she is, Talia quickly makes it to the boss's office to check herself in, she opens the door to await her boss. Sitting at a desk across Talia is the boss himself, hes 6′ 2″ with both a sharp beard and mindset. Talia doesn't know much about her boss but she has heard rumours that surround him within the crime world but with little evidence to support this theory. Despite these intense descriptions, Talia's boss has a rather soft name being Hugh "You're late by about 10 to explain yourself young lady?" said Talia's boss in a demeaning way, "sorry Hugh it w-"before Talia could finish, the boss interrupts her "Its either SIR or Boss got it" he said with an annoyed tone of voice, "Sorry SIR I lady things...yes lady things" Talia said this lie as she knew that if she told him the truth, she would be fired on the spot. "Lady things huh...ok fine just get to work and also instead of finishing at 9pm, your shift has been extended to 9:30Pm to compensate for your lateness" Said hugh in a passive-aggressive tone of voice. Talia was disgusted with this sudden news she thought, 'how could that bastard put ME of all people on night shift?, I'm a hardworking employee and that hairy mess of a man deems me with this punishment.' "Do I make myself clear?" said the boss, "Y...yes sir" said Talia in a defeated tone of voice. "Good now go work the night is still young" said Hugh looking away at Talia and looking outside towards the alleyway outside. Talia leaves the office but before actually going back to work, she turns back around to a shut door and puts her middle finger up to Hugh's door and whispers under her breath ''Fuuuuuuuuck you''. With this of her chest, she dresses in her work apron and heads towards the bar main cafe entrance where customers await.

With customers ready to be served, Talia walks over to the only customer that is in the cafe so late, the customer is an average man in his fifties, the man is hideous with a crooked face and bad bodily features. To Talia, the man sitting in the cafe is revolting to look at. "Hi sir what will your order be?" said Talia in a passive tone of voice. The customer doesn't respond to Talia but instead stairs up and down Talia's body, Talia notices this and says with a more annoyed tone "Sir what is your order?!" Sorry miss I was just admiring how beautiful you are'' said the man whilst picking up the menu. Strangely, instead of insulting the man for his comments, Talia without thinking said ''thanks'' whilst blushing in a cute tone of voice. "Haha you're welcome young lady...I'll just have a coffee with a tea-spoon of sugar" Said the man in a friendly tone of voice. Talia writes down the man's order and walks to the bar to ask the bartender to make the order. However, walking over to the bar, Talia was mentally bashing herself for what she said as she thought 'how could I of all people say that?, I've never been submissive toward anyone all my life and for some reason, I bleeped those words out without even degrading the person, im such an idiot but he will pay for what he just did'. Talia gives the order to the bar keeper and silently waits for the coffee to be made. Whilst waiting, Talia had decided to avenge her embarrassing moment by spitting in the man's coffee before serving it. After 5 minutes of waiting, the coffee was ready to be served. Talia carefully holds the drink towards the man but in a barely visible area of the cafe, Talia spits in his coffee and then walks over to him and hands him the coffee. ''Thanks miss this should hit the spot'' says the man in a grateful tone of voice. Talia doesn't respond but instead smiles two-faced at the man. ''mmmm this is a rather exquisite taste of coffee'' says the man slurping the coffee, Talia walks away in victory to leave the man in peace. Whilst Talia cleaned the cafe, she felt eyes always watching every move she made, it was no doubt the man Talia thought whilst cleaning.

It has been over an hour since the serving and the only customer that entered the cafe was the man, he could stay for awhile due his boredom being cured by both a newspaper and an attractive girl in sight, he was living the dream at the moment but as for Talia, she was bored out of her mind as there was no customers to serve and so all she did was stand besides the bar waiting for new customers. To cure her boredom, Talia returned to the man to ask if he wanted anything else from the cafe. ''Hi sir everything alright here'' said Talia. Before responding, the old man purposely knocks over his keys off the table and onto the floor. Talia sighs and bends down to pick it up but by doing so, the corner of her eye spots an erect bulge besides the man's pants. With zero thought process, Talia stayed down in her bent over position staring at the bulge for at least 5 seconds and then handed over the dropped keys towards the man. ''he..res your keys...sir'' said Talia looking away in a flustered tone of voice. "hey I assume you liked what you seen down there did you not ha ha?" said the man boldly, Talia stays silent ''Ha ha you're so cute when flustered it makes a man like me happy" said the man crossing his army and proudly smiling lip-to-lip. With sheer embarrassment, Talia walks away hurling insults towards both her stupidity and towards the man in her mind. 'How dare he make me look so stupid, im an independent woman who is clearly above his standards, but why did I not say anything again...what is wrong with me today' Talia thought to herself walking back to the bar defeated.

Another hour passes and Talia's shift is going to end. In the span of that hour, Talia had nothing to but stand there idly waiting for a new customer. The man stayed seated for all this time reading his newspaper in peace but despite this, Talia still felt eyes piercing down upon her the time she stayed standing up. The clock in the cafe read 9:27pm and Talia was the first to acknowledge this as she walked towards her boss's room to sign out for the day. "Hi Hugh im signing out for today it that ok with you?'' said Talia with a joyful tone of voice, "hold on young lady you still have 3 minutes of your shift but don't worry I know tonight has been quite so just take out the trash and throw it in the dumpster then you can leave work straight away'' said the boss in an observant tone of voice, "Fine..." said Talia as she walked out of the boss's room and takes of her apron whilst heading straight towards the waste room. She picks up the garbage bag but as she heads towards the side door, she hears the jingle of the main door as it closes. Nerveless, Talia doesn't think of it much as she heads outside towards the back alley. Despite it being late September, the night is dark and the air is cold sending chills down Talia's spine. As Talia disposes the waste into the dumpster, she hears a familiar voice greeting her in the alley. "Hey beautiful, I forgot to give you a tip for your kind services''. Talia's knees start to wobble as she slowly turns to face the same man from the cafe who paraded her with was the man with the newspaper standing at the entrance of the alleyway. Talia knew something bad was going to happen...