Chapter 49 See Little Niannian Again

Because Zhou Yu didn't know which idea was good, therefore he made several games with a similar idea but slightly tuned content. He wanted to decide after he played all of them. The people who could do this kind of thing were either international-level rich oil kings or Zhou Yu, who was doted on by the ACG world.

In fact, there were a few fairly good ones. For example a spy version of the game. Players could choose a party and then try to sneak into the other party's base to conduct espionage works.

There were many funny dialogues and terrific plots, coupled with unique weapons and equipment, at least, Zhou Yu personally quite like that one.

However, after all, it was a game that extended from a netizen's meme. It should be made into a multiplayer game, so everyone could participate. And since there was already an operation team in the game company and it was currently sitting idle. It was time to put them into use.