Chapter 169 Curse And Delicacy

Looking behind Bai Mo, every step he made seemed to have a frost buff, leaving a long line of white footprints. Looking at this picture, Zhou Yu also did not dare to talk to him right now. Bai Mo just went to the house in the refrigerator, seemingly unwilling to talk to anyone.

So he could only talk to the old drunkard and Bubu.

The two looked at each other, then coughed and said, "the thing is, when we got to the G division, we saw all the idols were wearing beautiful dresses. We thought that we shouldn't lose marks on appearance, so we also wanted to find one. It's all the old drunkard's fault, he found that stupid place!"

The old drunkard immediately retorted, "you even have the audacity to say that it was me. Whose shit luck was it? It was less than 1% probability, but you still got it, why don't you buy a lottery ticket?"