Chapter 212 Other Authors Said That Saying Happy New Year Is Good Enough To Be A Title.

The promotional video for "The Little Muli's Incredible Maze" contained the most interesting scenes of the show that Oba had edited out. The theme song was "Cold Mist", which was sung by little Muli. After all, the show was hosted by little Muli, so it was reasonable to use the song that was sung by her as the theme song. Even if it was the top idol Yi Nian, when Muli sang, he would also need to stand aside.

The 3D version of little Muli was very different from the little Muli that Zhou Yu usually saw. It is just like suddenly seeing the 3D version of Tifa after seeing the 2D anime girl for a very long time. It made Zhou Yu slightly unable to get used to the new look of her. However, whether it was the 2D Muli or the 3D Muli, they had one thing in common, that was they all looked simply stunning.